How Did Legion Change World of Warcraft Part 2/3

Part 2/3 of my Legion look back, today we talk zones, story, m+ and more!
Final part soon! That will handle all the issues Legion brought too.

Part 1:–kOsiP0U
Music used, In order:
Suramar Music:
Stormheim Music:
Highmountain Music:
Outro – A small track from Winterspring, “Winterspring 5”… @27min
#legion #wow #warcraft #classicwow #TBC #TheBurningCrusade

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  1. The Court of Stars is probably my favorite dungeon in WoW with how it plays into class fantasy. Heck I didn’t even know about the spectral sight thing until this video, and I had a demon hunter do this dungeon a few times. That’s so cool though.

  2. There's 1 lien form each expansion.
    What's the cata line? and pandsland?
    classic: by fire be purged [and the entirety of his speech]
    BC: you are not prepared, merely a set back
    LK: I remember you… from the mountains, citizens of dalaran, you face jarraxxis, we named him dranosh [horde only]
    Cata: idk… I'm saaaaaailing!
    pandaland: um… also idk. Tong, two drinks.
    wod: times change, 4752 apexis crystal. not 4751 that wouldn't be enough. not 4753 that would be ridiculous
    legion: an illusion
    BFA: a turtle made it to the water, wwooooooounds
    Shadowlands: ah my favourite apprentice!
    Dragonlands: oh no! the dragons… they're landing! – Alexstraza, probably

  3. Legion was legitimately amazing. So many of the things were obviously well crafted with love and passion. As well as just being really freaking cool, unique, and fun.

  4. I retired at the end of WotLK because I was burnt out having played since year 2 of Vanilla. Legion brought me back because it felt the closest to WotLK. MoP and Cata nearly killed the game. BfA resulted in my 2nd, and probably, final retirement.

  5. Shoot that tank Mage Tower challenge was hard right up to the end. I remember pushing to get my Blood DK appearance before the feature went away for good and celebrating when I finally managed it after many dozens of tries.

  6. I liked Legion 🙂 I returned to WoW after I left during Pandas….. Legion felt great – however there was to much to do for me… a lot of dailies, and grinding all the resources… For me WoW was best during WotLK and Cata

  7. I really miss Suramar as a current content, it was so powerful that it shifted me to horde once Nightbornes become available. I loved the story, the scenery, the quest designs, Court of Stars was my favourite dungeon and I enjoyed Nighthold as well.

  8. The Mage Tower was easily one of the greatest things they added in Legion, I did it on every character and spec except shaman and rogue, since I didn't bother leveling those in Legion.
    I do have to say that I'd disagree by Prot Pal and Shadow being the difficult ones, for me the most difficult one was probably the Brewmaster one, being heavily undergeared, bad legendaries, pre Kruul nerf it took me ~180 tries to finally beat him, and it felt great!
    I did most of the challenges relatively undergeared and before Argus hit (usually iLvL 900 or below, with no optimized stats, and usually only one legendary, which often wasn't even for the spec, since it was one for another spec)
    Prot Pal was a Cakewalk if you had the 2p of Tomb which gave Judgement a 30% chance to reset Avenger's Shield, perma interrupting the caster and just dpsing him down, I remember it taking less than 10 tries for me. Shaodw was also not that difficult, I remember doing it on an undergeared Shadow with S2M , well maybe it would've been more difficult if done without cheesing it with S2M.

    Other noteworthy difficult ones are definitely the healer one and the survival hunter one (since I just leveled my hunter to do the challenges, basically learning Survival in the Mage Tower)

    Most of them you could cheese a bit if you knew what you were doing with your class (e.g. Agatha as Feral Druid with the Tiger's Fury reset talent when a target dies with bleeds on it, giving you ALOT of energy) or compromise lacking gear by doing really well.

  9. I'm still salty blizzard forced me to re-farm Booty Bay reputation if I wanted to continue the Alchemy Questline, when they actually hotfixed the Druid Artifact Quest because a random druid was hated by the Cenarion Circle and couldnt get the quest.

  10. I was so proud of myself when I got my Shadow Priest Mage Tower Appearance within a month of Broken Shore launch. That shit was the hardest thing I have ever done, seriously. Aff Locks had that challenge so easy with their infinite 40% slow corruption, and Boomies could just go AoE build and have permanent casting on the move, but Shadow Priests literally had to race the boss. Dot as many adds as you could for free Insanity and Souls and pray to god you killed him before he killed you. It was such a rush, and I screamed into voice comms with my friends when I finally killed him.

  11. Just started playing again recently with my bf – we wanted to wait till shadowlands opposed to buying bfa now so we've been grinding through the husk of legion thats left over, really getting a feel for everything the expansion has left to offer. and its been so much fun, wish we got to play it in its prime

  12. I got hit by a huge nostalgia hit when you mentioned Court of Stars. I remember that being locked behind rep and when my guildies and I unlocked it we had a blast doing it!

  13. One thing I think you forgot to mention is that each class had unique things to find in the zones. Death Knights could find visions of Arthas telling them things like that they were still puppets of the LK. Demon Hunters could use their sight cooldown to find demons disguised as friendly NPC's in town hubs. Shaman's could find these altar things where you could summon and fight elementals, etc.
    These were really cool to discover and added even more to your class identity.

  14. Normaly i dont comment a lot on youtube. But i rly have to give you probs sir. You keep your quality content up!

    Other guys like Hamsterwheel or Metagoblin just throw out trash content with tons of simply wrong facts and dont even care. Just produce as much videos as possible to feed the algoritm. I am glad that there are still ppl like you outside! You put in so much more effort than other "comperable" youtubers and i rly appreciate that!

  15. You've covered the zone questing but forgot that Legion introduced level scaling and the ability to do the zones in whichever order you wanted… (or you did mention it, and I missed it)

  16. A bit of feedback wille – in these "How did Xpac change WOW?" vids, you keep referring to expansion features without explaining what they are. I think a good portion of your audience has not played the recent expansions and only plays classic. It is really hard to understand these videos as someone who has not kept up to date with the game. When you are talking it sounds like youre assuming we know what you are talking about so you don't explain it.
    The same thing with the Warlords of draenor vid I really struggled to follow what you were talking about.
    For the BFA vid do you think you could try and explain what it is you're talking about when you talk about a new feature. THanks and keep it up 🙂

  17. World Quests and Mythic+ are just more influence from the Diablo team, it's just not WoW – this is supposed to be an RPG not an Action Adventure.

  18. I mean I guess Nazjatar was in a way like Suramar and Argus together. The only thing that disappointed me was how they rushed the story because they had to rush the expansion.

  19. I stopped playing retail mid-Cataclysm, after Firelands came out. I've been playing Classic lately and my curiosity got the better of me and logged into retail. I was so lost and overwhelmed I quit the game immediately. I have this itch to play retail again but after 8 or so years I don't even know where to begin…. Feels like I have so much to catch up with it's not worth it at this point. Guess I'm staying with Classic..

  20. 8:25 I completely disagree. That sounds like pure waste of time for me. I like Dire Maul Tribute runs or ZG runs on Classic because they are a very unique and very HARD way to earn gold – I will fail multiple times, but eventually, I will get a reward that's useful in various ways. Cosmetics… are for narcissists.

  21. Legion still has a lot of content to offer for people, just with the Class Campaigns. Well worth doing with all classes, just for the stories. Of course, some Campaigns had better story, than others, but none were bad.

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