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Paladins, how powerful are they in the lore? Keep in mind this video is my opinion based on the existing lore facts.
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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:
Special thanks to Nazgahl – Argent Dawn and Delekhan – Argent Dawn for helping me record a significant part of this video.
– Content
In this video I talk about the power of paladins in the lore. Covering the history of the Light itself and the various races that can wield it. After that I mainly use humans for reference as I go into abilities and strengths and weaknesses. Lastly I compare the paladins against all other available classes. Keep in mind that this video is just my own opinion based on the current lore. Feel free to leave your thoughts below!
All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. – I am not the owner of any of the art shown in the videos. All artworks belong to their rightful owners. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I’d be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at
Its bit strange when you comparing the power level, why would you separate melee and magic battle? Hybrid classes can do both and its their strength to perform both. But if you separate them and compare it to pure classes, ofc its less than ideal. But why would you have to separate them? Just compare as full class features rather than divide it.
A shadow priest turns a paladin into a warrior with less skill, because the light relys on conviction and a shadow priest attacks the mind, instantly stopping the paladin from being able to use the light at all. this is of course lore wise as game play cant allow this or it would make shadow priest far too op mind controllers.
back in 2004-2005, i had 2 guildmates (lvl 60 paladin and lvl 60 warrior), both were decked with complete set of Tier 0, the best pre-Ragnaros items one can wear (Lightforge and Valor). Then they had duels and all the time the Paladin won. The paladin had shield and heal spells while the warrior didn't have means to replenish health.
Each round took quite a while though, as Paladin at this stage had only a few high damage offensive capabilities, and this made people say it's the most boring class to play
Four dragon did not kill arthas we killed arthas I was there like five times
I actually plan on creating a world of warcraft fanfiction that focuses on human paladin that was initially a strong believer in fighting for the alliance until he eventually finds reasons to doubt the alliance and goes rogue and perhaps his powers might atrophy due to his doubts
One thing I'm curious about is that since there are night elf priests would night elf paladins fit
I know this video is abit old so im late to the game here, i love all your videos. I will say in this video i dont totally agree with everything that was said pally vs warroir as in combat training, i think we might be underestimating the pallys combat skills, but each theor own.
All and all great videos keep em coming
"It is less of a religion but more a philosophy heavily dependent on willpower and inner spirit"
That's basically the "philosophy" of religion. Dependent on a strong will to believe in nonsense and having the inner strength to do so in contrary of all the evidence to the contrary. The only difference is that in the game it actually exists. Like magic. Cause it's fantasy…
Please share the song used on 8:27
So your saying that a big bang created life
Every dislike came from fellow retadin mains. I didn't dislike, but you asked for it homie lol.
Let me clean the darkness out of this wörld.
Paladin:Jedi Knight
Amazing video! TY so much for making this.
shows warrior fighting a paladin, paladin casts holy light, warrior is to stupid to know what pummel is for, nice making warriors look like meat heads.
Mages are the best!!!!!!!
I don't think Paladins are "warrior-ish" as for the melee combat sector. A warrior is a man devoted to a life of war and carnage, and it comes in mind a germanic barbarian, rushing at enemies while enraged, mad and blowing their many weapons. Paladins, by the other hand, are, in the melee aspect of the fight, knights, cavaliers, these historical european soldiers who carried more the status of "elites", they trained really well also on martial combat, but I'd say that paladins aim towards a more specific weaponry combat and discipline, as well as warriors are multi-weaponry users. Paladins remind me of roman pretorians, king's guardsman and the aforementioned knights. In WoW's perspective, we can say also that a paladin would abandon much of the ways of a warrior's melee moves to favor his energy in using the stronger and more effective holy light to damage enemies. As for a warrior, good armor and defencive combat will mitigate damage, you can't do much thing against one holding the power which created the universe.
I’ve been stuck in combat with a warrior for a while because we both can heal ourselves.
We just stoped after like 45 minutes of combat and just waved and walked away.
They must be
"Light, Grant me one final blessing. Give me the strength to shatter these bonds"
"God, grant me strenth"
Not even close to a religion..
How powerful are Paladins?
– It depends…
entirely depends on their connection with the light
04:54 where is this ?
Is this the guy without eyebrows in Barry?
i was hoping to hear about powerful paladins within the lore of wow like sir zeliek. Dissapointed
A deathknight would have a better chance at taking out a paladin. DH has no defense against the light. And the light eats demons alive.
9:28 "fail on the magical side"
Screaming to myself: blessing of freedom!!!
Turion was weakened by fighting too long.
Uther was weakened by fighting a friend
3:20 All of these
racesracistThe thing is that a paladin is only as strong as his faith is, without his faith he is a plain warrior. If a paladin has unshakeable faith in the light he won't fall.
Ri Uther abd Trion :;(
IMHO An average paladin would kick an average warriors ass. They are both SKILLED in martial combat and a warrior may be more skilled in theory, the paladins light powered are a force multiplier. Yeah it wouldn't be effective offesnively but defensivly it would protect and heal them. Imagine fighting a guy in plate, already Hard to hurt, but everytime you do succeed he heals or simply uses a shield to block it.
Furthermore I doubt paladins are far prowess is great, but super
Pre wrath pallies😍
Paladins would beat the shit out of demon hunters wym
Scarlett Crusade did nothing wrong