Graz-BCI Game Controller – World of Warcraft Mindcontrolled

In this video we show the Graz-BCI Game Controller controlling World of Warcraft (Blizzard Inc.) just using EEG.

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  1. I wonder if a system that detects end signal at the limb points would be better for direction and movement. Also you should try testing with a very seasoned player if you haven't already someone who has made the game second nature. you can technically play wow through code in the chat box ( Use/ Concussive shot, /Use Disengage /use kill command) so literally along that train of thought I wonder if it would be possible to mentally train yourself to think the commands in to the controller that way. Or maybe training it similar to the extra buttons on a gaming mouse then identifying it as a mouse/keyboard input to wow requiring no extra soft ware. Like thinking (number 1) then it signalling the game to activate the hot key 1.

  2. hello sir, do you have a reference tutorial for me to make a game like that you make this? I have my school project for graduation, I hope you can provide a complete tutorial how to make this out to me.

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