Negativity in the World of Warcraft Community

Is wow too negative? What is negativity bias?

“Negativity bias influences the decisions we make”

” Bad News – Negativity bias study”

Article on Negativity Bias:

Excerpt from the latest Hoi4 dev diary regarding feedback:

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  1. Sadly, one thing I came to realize is that, there is a huge amount of the WoW player base that has been playing for many many years, maybe some started playing in the teenage years and right now are in the early to mid 30s and they don't enjoy the game anymore, they don't like it anymore but they are not willing to give it up yet. They haven't yet come to terms with that realization, so they become bitter, clinged to the good old memories and bitter that the game is not what they used to love. They want to like it again like they liked it and enjoy it back in 2005 but we all change and time passes and it is ok to realize that hey, maybe this game is not for you anymore. Those kind of players will never be happy with anything, not even if they got the more authentic wow classic experience ever, and certainly not with the current state of the game.

  2. Excellent presentation of some interesting info my Friend.
    A couple of points; First, "Bias Confirmation" I believe still plays a significant part in directing us to search for or support a particular viewpoint, be it negative or positive. If I already have a preconceived notion of why something is bad or good, it's felt more worthwhile to review supporting opinions vice counter proposals, especially if the title of the article carries implied bias. If I use one of your own vids as an example; "The Problem With Covenants in World of Warcraft", if I already felt the Covenant system was bad, there's much more likelihood I'll view that video (since "misery loves company") than if I thought the Covenant system was great. Now I might click on it, to find out why "You" think so or discover if others agree but I'm more likely to search for a vid that supports the Covenant system, if I liked the system.

    The second point, I think is also due to the fact that if we have no knowledge of something (hence no ingrained bias) we may be more attracted to view the faults of a topic before we discover its attributes for (as you mentioned) since there's a perception that doing so, will prevent us from "wasting our time" on something with enough faults that it has a large number of people upset. And, as time is increasingly becoming our most valued commodity (in the gaming world especially) we justify spending a few minutes to prevent wasting possibly hours later.
    In either circumstance though, it usually doesn't take a person with an open mind very long, to determine if the article/video is a rant or of merit. If the former, we move on, if the latter, it may coax us to learn more. Cheers! 🙂

  3. Something to note though, is that people who post a lot on forums tend to represent the minority, like the "full loot pvp" fans who seem to be everywhere on forums complaining about "care bears." Most people, particularly the casual who represents the majority, don't care enough to post of forums all the time, they have other things they rather do.

  4. Yes, I've been saying that gamers, Westerners especially, are a bunch of entitled whiny little biacths who thinks everyone is greedy and evil except themselves, who are just absolute perfect saints who can do no wrong. Glad to see someone acknowledges this to some extent.

    Though to be fair, this seems to be true of Westerners in general in current times. It's why US politics is going to shiet, cuz everyone always assume the worse of everyone else and whine about EVERYTHING.

  5. WoW as a games problem is they catered towards the elitist scumbag. Whenever you cater to something you get more of it, so now that’s all that’s left enjoying their dying game. Elitist dirtbags and truly awful people.

  6. Then it turned out most of Blizzard's executive positions were actively malicious against pretty much all other people in and out of the company.

  7. Social media promotes negativity, wow was better before social media was invented. It can’t be a coincidence. The negative people might be affecting game dev decisions.

  8. While I agree with your statements, if I'm paying a monthly sub for a game, I have every right to point out where they are screwing the pooch. Here's the biggest issue, IMHO: The community has tried nice, has tried being direct, has tried being mean. Nothing works. So, those of us who take time to construct and present our findings give up and walk away. What you are left with is the dilution and condensation of negative input from a condensed but dedicated group. For example, with WoW, the last 10 years have felt like the development team and leadership have been obstinate just for the sake of being obstinate. Ion Hasacockinhisass is the biggest one of all. I know, I'm attacking a dev (how dare I), but I don't care at this point. For example, let's say you pay $15 a month for your Netflix. Netflix starts removing all of your favorite shows, or goes back and adds commercials into the show every 5 minutes. Would you be OK with that? Well, neither would I. Yet, this is essentially what has happened with WoW over the last 10 years since WoTLK. It's been a constant yet slow degradation of the core gameplay and story. All while blaming 'toxic gamers' for their issues while 'toxic gamers' are telling them that X or Y won't work and isn't an improvement. Thus, 10 months later when the game MAU's drop through the floor and you can't find a BG or an instance on the group finder we all make a big proverbial 'told you so' with both middle fingers up. This has happened for the last 5 expansions… So I don't think negativity within WoW is unfounded. Blizzard has earned their distrust and communal hatred by 'talking down to' players, villainizing people with legit complaints or feedback. In summary, yes there is negativity in WoW, but how much of that comes from the top down? I'd be willing to bet 80+%…

  9. Well this aged like shit 😂. Because no matter what, the situation arrived at a dead end. And criticism being toxic by intention and ciritcism being toxic because the receiver labels or feels of it as such is, if he does it just because out of being dissatisfied, also multiple pair of different shoes.

  10. Excellent video on a much needs to be talked about topic. Of I may, I'd like to point out one area that you missed that I believe is relevant.

    I read a psychology paper about 4 or 5 years ago concerning online interactions vs face to face interactions. Please don't ask me the title or where I found it. It was a long time ago and a lot has happened to me since then. Anyway, in its conclusion, it said that the anonymity of the internet brings out who people really are. Basically, you wouldn't act in person the same way you would online.

    From personal experience, I can validate this. I've had people cuss me out and verbally attack me from behind a keyboard. However, on a few occasions I've actually met some of these people face to face and, amazingly enough, their attitude was very different when I called them out. I usually refer to these people as keyboard cowards.

    Again, thank you for more great content and addressing this issue. Please keep doing what you do.

  11. I'm actually really glad that this video was made, since I've basically been losing my mind over the amount of inescapable and just downright unnecessary negativity in recent times in the WoW community, as well as the Diablo community.

  12. Let me point out a glaring issue with this video – you assume that developers make the game.

    The "big" things that matter aren't decided by the developers, just like they weren't when Metzen was there. The big things are pitched as ideas and if Ian and those around and above him agree, they go in. If not, then you get choreghast to increase engagement, fun be damned. Devs try to make fun games, "leadership" does whatever they can to monetize it. This is why business leaders should run the business and leave the game design exclusively to the designers.

    Devs were told Torghast was bad in beta, nothing changed. It's negative to get upset about stepping in a pile of shit. But it stinks really bad and you want nothing to do with it. This is where most players are with retail today.

  13. With all the proofs of Blizzard and their representative despising the community and never listening to the community, with or without constructive criticism and the blatant over-monetization of everything, it is not a mistake to think they are acting with malicious intent, since they proved many times over the years that they are for the most part over the years.

    Sure they're humans and not all of them are, but the most powerful figures at Blizzard are and it shows. Negativity in such a case is very justified.

  14. Its my belief that whinging online is fun for a lot of jobless people.

    If I quit a game, I dont follow its videos anymore, seems like a waste of my time but these people seems to think otherwis, they'll go out of their way to try and 'spread the word' and think that they are being cool by telling others what to like and dislike.

  15. I hate the negative bs all the time. I completely stopped watching bellular because it is ALWAYS negative. In a lot of ways WoW is the best it has ever been, but no one ever has anything good to say in media.

  16. My love, you inspire me to make cool videos like this. I'm posting videos now about getting worked over by the law. I'm going to show the whole journey it's mostly negative so hopefully it blows up. I want to do more entertainment stuff like you since it makes me happy. Cross your fingers and wish me luck!

  17. but what if the negative topics pertaining WoW become more and more prevalent over the positive topics. what if blizzard cannot anymore produce the quality which once was a hallmark of this company?could this be a rootcause for the widespread negativity? When people like Bobby Kotick leech of horrendous amounts of money from his employees, does the qualitiy of this game not suffer in some capacity?

  18. This video is spot on.

    The only thing left for me to say is: why wouldn't the people who are so negative about WoW, just simply quit and play something else? Wouldn't that be the obvious move? How does it make sense to invest so much in something you don't like?

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