Hi everyone! In today’s video, I will go through some new trading post items you will be able to obtain in the War Within!
00:00 – Intro
00:17 – Mounts
01:48 – Harvester Golem Sets
03:33 – Pet & Cosmetics
04:29 – Weapons
05:41 – Other Items
06:34 – Conclusions
Okay as cool as I think it was, having to spend all that for a transmog set, that cost more than a darn MOUNT!
And as big as I am into transmog and changing how my characters look all the time, NOTHING should cost more than a mount
Blizzard has some great modelers and creative people working for them.
It's to bad that the people that control the content are spawns of Satan
The jellyfish mount kinda makes me want to actually go get the Hivemind.
The armor sets they come out with are just sad.
Those crocolisk mounts are a must have for me! Great video
wow fashion is so sad
Finally, some decent loot!
Trading Post rewards lately has been way too…..zesty, in my opinion.
That's really bad awful. WHY?
Wathcing your videos makes me happy
So many cool items… problem is.. I never have enough tenders. I with they would either increase the tender you can get each month or LOWER THE COST ON ITEMS! Ugh.. just frustrating.
That scarecrow mog is sweet. Guessing a September or October(Halloween) release.
I love the scarecrow mogs. Only bummer is it feels like a missed opportunity to not have a scythe polearm mog to go with it.
Thank goodness they renamed dynamic riding to skyriding! It would have been so confusing! I mean they might have meant ground flying or water flying! But skyriding leaves no doubt!
…. I wonder who mocked them about calling it dynamic riding so they did this change making it even worse
harvester golem set release
People who have played Classic wow or quested in the west fall at low levels in PVP
They buy it and the songs kick in.
Three Days Grace – Animal I Have Become
Skillet – Monster
Sacre Bleu