World of Warcraft is a big game and as you can imagine there are a LOT of Secret Locations to be found hidden across the various continents. So many in fact that I decided to make a list of 10 Secret Locations in World of Warcraft – specifically, Azeroth. From the Eastern Kingdoms to the shores of Kalimdor, we’re looking at everything from hidden underwater gnome villages to unknown farms in Arathi Highlands. Let us know if there’s a place on this list that you never knew about, or that we missed and could add to a future video!
World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King, as well as Dragonflight are also on the horizon here soon. Do you guys think we should make a video for those too? Let us know down in the comment section below! A big shout out to our channel Members and an even bigger shout out to all of you who make these videos possible. Thanks, all.
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You can get on top of Elwynn Falls using glitches. Nothing major though, just some wall jumping. Start on the mountains on the southwest corner of the Burning Steppes, and go south toward Elwynn Forest. You can find guides here on Youtube. You'll need to be at least level 20 with a 100% speed mount. The mobs there will be too strong for you at level 20 though, so be fast, careful, and avoidant.
You can get at the number 3 without a flying mount, I did it with a 20 lv goblin u just need some toys
The WKM room has been solved. It's a shrine for a designers father
I came here to hide from the Pandaren…
Man I miss this game
W.K.M…. could also mean Will Kill Myself. Wouldn't have thought of this if I wouldn't have received a message in WoW today from someone that told to kill myself 😂
I remember immediately going to these places after watching this video. Love these places.
I always thought that spot above Elwin Forrest was nice.
Best content ^u^
i guess number 8 didnt aged so well…
This is a new lvl of necromancy. Congrats Nixxion XD
I find it funny that the “Old God” underneath the mushroom circle isn’t entirely wrong. In a legion warrior quest, Odyn will send you to that forest to retrieve one of the weapons. You fall down from Valhalla right there, and then you fight a giant monster not far from there
What if Tyr fell at the Fae Dragon place?
You could call number 8 "foreshadowing"
for number 4, that place was an island in vanilla world of warcraft, it was past the fatigue line but once you reached it the fatigue went away
There is an underwater cave off the coast at Darkmoon Faire near the Darkmoon Rabbit cave. You can swim in and kill the demon ladies and actually get a toy for your collection. Found this on my hunter using humanoid tracking.
There is also this place underneath where Mt Hyjal is now located. My sister called it Magichatsland as the name of the mage who discovered it was called Magichats. She showed it to me once. And to this day, I can't find a single picture of it.
2:20 that didn't age well.
The guy that got stabbed in the ass didn't get the music scroll for his garrison.
I believe the mushroom ring in the whispering forest is simply a reference to the fae ring poem: in a full moon night, when the stars shine bright, the fairies gather to dance, sing and laugh. At the end in the morning, there's the mark of their joly where they used to stand leaving a ring of mushrooms (fly agaric specie). That may be the reason why fae dragons show up at a certain time of the night to dance and sing in there
Uldum, Grim Batol, The Greymane Wall, Silvermoon, The Emerald Dream and it's portals at Seradane, The Twilight Grove and the Boughs, Mount Hyjal, Caverns of Time, Karazhan… Not to mention Kul Tiras, Outland and Northrend. Yeah they all made it to th game eventually, but I want Classic+ with all of these places reimagined and revamped with a 60 level cap. I thought about starting a modding project to do so on a private server, but the fact that Blizzard could send a cease and desist at any moment is too disheartening.
You forgot to mention the GM island
Plus, in the whispering forest there is the entrance to keeper Tyr's grave near the edge of the lake
In the Whispering Forest circle of mushrooms, after the dragons leave, there should be a pet waiting for you in the center.
No GM island????!!!!!!
I literally logged out of WoW last night just up the hill from the whispering forest not knowing about the mushroom circle.
The song happened just a few minutes into checking the place out just now!
Edit: Then I flew too low over Deathknell and my Alliance character one shot by some undead guards.
You do not need a flying mount to get to the waterfalls above Elwyn Forrest. But you will need a land mount at the very least. Although , a flying mount is a lot easier.
WKM, these are the initials of the artist who retired
One of pandaria's little treasures……
Triggered. #SoO
I recall my lvl 90 druid has a ability to teleport to a random location in the world and one of them is No.1.
Ah and that was the place where you could get a music disk for the garrison later.
i love your exploration videos like this 🙂 your channels is great, please just keep doing what you do mate!
sebding love from Denver, CO<3
The whispering forest is probably where tiris fell.
thats acctually why its named that.
Druids can get a toy called “Nature’s Beacon” and a glyph called “Glyph of One with Nature” which let them teleport to a random natural location. Typically these are places with some sort of druidic background (Grove of the Ancients, Oracle Glade, Grizzly Hills, Moonglade, Mount Hyjal, Twilight Grove, etc.) The Whispering Forest is one of them, where you’ll be teleported to the center of the mushroom circle.
Please tell me what songs you use in this video? 🙂
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Build a boat of top of a cliff, makes sense.
I totally found that whirlpool place by accident lol my greedy but was looking for ore and I fell off and went around and a around and a around until if this had been a ride at the carnival I would have lost my lunch lol WTF I didn't see anybody but npc now I want to go back
Whispering forest is now basically confirmed to be the resting place of an old god… we get the black blade from there… one containing an old god….
Heh. I remember that farm with the battleships in the distance. Happened upon it a few years ago. It's always been fun and exciting to find these hidden and secret locations. Good times.
3:20 if you live on top of a mountain and are building a boat you should be reevuluating your life choices…
Your 6 looks like a b.
Really interesting about this is that mushroom circles or "fairy rings" as they've been called through out folklore by different cultures, is that they are said to be a place that elves or fairies dance and sing, and it leaves a magical circle of mushrooms.
On the other hand, some cultures believed it to be a sign of evil, where the devil comes, or the effect of the "fiery tails of dragons"
1:47 love the Sims background music made me lol
Another secret location: The circle of life
If you stand in the middle of the mushroom Circle while the FAE dragons conduct their ritual it cleanses you of any Erp STDs