History of Undead Racials in World of Warcraft

In this video we will be talking about the history of the racial abilities of the undead, from back when Sylvanas’s model was still a night elf, all the way up until she left the horde because they couldn’t appreciate her greatness.

Video script by Selty
Video edited by The Flying Buttress

–The skills–
Underwater Breathing
Shadow Resistance
Will of the Forsaken
Touch of the Grave

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  1. Lets not forget how the nerf to wotf played out in wrath. It was a common complaint that undead was far superior for arena because they had two pvp trinkets essentially. So along comes blizzard to drop paid race changes into the game. Sure, there's some opposition, but for the most part its widely accepted. Great!", everyone thinks as they buy up a grip of them, "I don't have to level another mage or rogue!" But unfortunately, almost immediately after a decent-sized chunk of horde toons swapped to undead, they nerfed wotf to have that shared cooldown. I'll never forget the salty posts that came out of those few days.

  2. Currently in classic it’s 233% on underwater breathing but on my server I save 6 gold at a time on breathing pots when doing primal water farms in skerries simply because by the time I am about to die from drowning everything in the water is already dead and I can come up for air

  3. Your classic cannibalism is incorrect. It restores 7% of your max hp every 2 seconds for 10 seconds. For a total of 7 * 5 = 35% of your maximum hp.

  4. I like the water breathing and healing from damaging enemies.
    I wonder if Lorewise it works against plants and stuff?

    Undead person has a broken arm, they stab a tree, and the broken arm heals?

  5. Underwater Breathing:" ..lasts 300% longer than normal"; wouldn't that mean 4 minutes in total? (100% longer than normal would be 2 min; 200% longer than normal 3min in total)

  6. Hi folks, I think Undead its good as warrior, because you can use your "Will of the Forsaken" against fear/cham/sleep, and save your "Berserker Rage" for other CC`s and also the cannibalize its very usefeul. what do you guys think ??

    and if will of the forsaken it's not useful on a warrior, then on wich melee class it is useful ?? (i also think that cannibalize its useful for a warrior or rogue)

  7. Long time lurker, but you got cannibalize waaaaaaay wrong. It doesn't restore 7% health over 10 seconds, it's 7% every 2 seconds FOR 10 seconds. Totaling 35% health and mana back over 10 seconds. 7% health over 10 seconds is awful and borderline pointless.

  8. – Unholy Undead dk racial question

    So, i was talking with a friend and he told me that (as can be seen in this video: ) the racial of the Undeads "Touch of the Grave" gets activated with "Mastery: Dreadblade" and that he thinks (although I also think it can be true) that in the end it does more damage overall than the Orcs racial "Command" in the case of Unholy dk.

    1) What do you think, its it true about the Undead`s benefits from it ?
    2) and who do you think does more damage ?

  9. Hi folks, I think Undead its good as warrior, because you can use your "Will of the Forsaken" against fear/cham/sleep, and save your "Berserker Rage" for other CC`s and also the cannibalize its very usefeul. what do you guys think ??

    and if will of the forsaken it's not useful on a warrior, then on wich melee class it is useful ?? (i also think that cannibalize its useful for a warrior or rogue)

  10. Cannibalism was a pretty convenient racial when leveling up on early Classic, since you could heal yourself without having to stop to eat food, which you might not have (or just takes too long).
    Or if your fight got too long, aggroed more enemies, etc. Cast some CC on the add and then use it 🙂

  11. Underwater breathing was (100 + 300)% of the normal duration. That is 4 minutes, not 3.

    Edit: Cannibalism restored 7% of your health every 2 seconds for 10 seconds. This means 35% restored over 10 seconds, though I believe you simply misspoke.

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