I’ve started a new Let’s Play! Come and watch! https://youtu.be/Y02ccCX0XJs
Hello everyone and welcome to my new LP, I hope you all enjoy!
Server: US-Cenarius
Name: Twignburries
Race: Goblin
Class: Warlock
Feel free to join me on my server!
Please rate, comment, and subscribe!
Rewatching this series cause this was the first Wow playthrough I watched back in like 2012 I believe. And it brings back a lot of good memories of playing Wow myself. Goblins are still and will always be my favorite race in wow Don't know how many times I've seen that intro.
I don't get it. How come I can't play as a goblin?
people watching this in 2021 for nostalgia and good old times
2021 I return to this memorable time in my life
2k subs, but 222k views
some people just like sound of their own voices…
İ began wow from cata and i was 10 years old now i am 18 i am crying for those days
U are a legend <3
A lot of peopel wanted me to play worgen……. So im gona play a goblin
im disappointed in myself that i didnt have WoW Cataclysm
that music tho
Best MMO I played
its free to play or play to pay? i miss this game so much
how to download wow cataclysm please
What do you do in World of Warcraft. Please explaine to me. Build? or Just fight? Or Everything or Open world or what please explain…
Wish the Worgen race were in the Horde. Horde for life!!
That intro was great xD "Everyone wanted me to play a worgan hunter, so I'm gonna play a goblin" I laughed way harder than I should have lol
Good Job LOVE YOUR VIDEOS Hope you make MORE!
ari we zako ne zarejda
World of Warcraft Cataclysm is the same game as Mist of Pandaria, right?
Gobber is a Hobgoblin
The goblins used to be dumb as a rock and were enslaved by the trolls but being exposed to those green rocks (Kajamite) made them geniuses and therefore the goblins made the trolls into slaves as now they were much smarter than them and built that little civilization on mount kajaro
Could you please take a moment of your time to check out our humble chanel, it would mean a world to us, but it will only take a moment of your time. We hope you like it.
Do We Need TO Wait In Cataclysm ?
1,900th sub :3
your amazing subbed 00:30
you sound gay
We dont give a shit!
I'm thinking about making a cataclysm gameplay if I get it
fuck off
Like my comment if u like my profile picture
Im also a goblin warlock
hus name is Zovzik
dude I like you fev I want to play wow with you on the horde side but I need to know what realm you are on
Alot of People voted for me to play worgen,s o i will d o a goblin xD Love u already
did anyone see the kid freak out because the mom erased the boys warcraft
I understood you perfectly, until the last two sentences.
A lot of people like the hardcore raiding aspect. Some people like the gameplay style(myself included). There are people that really like the social aspect, some the lore and stories. There's a lot of different things that people like about the game. It's all dependant on the person. Lately for me I've been playing on Astralwow with a lot of friends. Mostly cause I dislike the MoP changes.
Eternal-wow….hands down best private server i have ever had the joy of playing..great people/content upkeep like no else..oh yea and the staff are pretty cool to =P.Come check it out we have a 255 fun realm/insta 80 pvp 4.3.4 cata and so much more. have a good time and rememeber Stay Eternal
Am I the only one who isn't interested in this game at ALLL?
I mean seriously, can someone tell me what it is about WOW that makes it so addictive and popular??
Why the hell are you top comment…When he has more likes than you!?!? No offense to you. Youtube should get their shit together!
cause the troll didint like the goblins for trying to kill them
The trolls originally imprisoned the goblins, goblins mined Kaja'mite for troll rituals, Kaja'mite made them smart (they used to be dumb), they successfully revolted, trolls become goblin slaves.
Well I mean I know but he said he knew then he wasn't even going to explain it.
i can answer why the trolls are working for the goblins because a long time ago it was the other way around