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11.0 11.0 expansion wow bad dragonflight narrative beta blizzard blizzard bad Blizzard drama blizzard layoffs blizzard mistreatment blizzard news chris metzen chris metzen wow dragonflight narrative dragonflight story dragonflight story bad HR mistreated overwatch 2 the war within the war within beta the war within class skins the war within hero talents tww VFX world of warcraft wow wow 11.0 wow bad narrative wow narrative wow next expansion
I keyboard turn, click and Raid Normal every Xpansion. Only Hotkey I have is E for my interrupt.
It’s too complex for new people. They’ll have to restart the whole game in a more simplistic fashion with simple add ons already in the game and less buttons to push.
I am playing Beta cause I don't want to play the other wows ,remix,cata classic or DF . I am giving feedback of things that I find messed up mailbox full of DF stuff that won't go away. UI dropping keybindings and flipping bars around and I sure I will find more. My feedback may not be helpful I am not sure but they get my money till TWW drops and I have something to do learn the game ahead of time to see what I plann to do when live so for me it's a win/win
I don't care to spoil my experience of the expansion by playing it on beta. That said, I am class testing the specs I wish to main, leaving feedback but boy, oh, boy I am abusing the bug report button to leave as much feedback as possible in regards to UI improvements that need to be made (Mailbox, Inventory), to the transmogging system, add the ability to display hair while wearing helms and multiple other tidbits. Even if you don't want to spoil the expansion, like me, but still want Blizzard to make needed changes, and provide features, PLEASE log into beta and abuse the bug report button, too. Way too many people either aren't going to actually test the game or aren't going to bother whatsoever, and both attitudes are what hurts the developers inability to get good feedback.
It also means that failure to input your voice also means you're allowing the opinions, and feedback, of others to dictate your gaming experience, especially when its been creators who dominate the opinions of many. Even if all you do is log in, make a level 10 character and then camp Exile's Reach. Alternatively, you can also make a Remix character, then camp Timeless Isles. Just do it. Log in, leave feedback. Do it every day that you have spare free time. Not doing so, when there's one of the best chances to actually get heard, eliminates any reasons for you to complain later about the direction the game goes towards.
I've never had th desire to play a beta or a ptr on a game I plan to play already. I don't want to spoil the surprise and I don't want to burn out my fun.
I've tested both Alpha and Beta for expansions before and this Beta test feels more like a Stress Test. lol
Genuinely. Speaking genuinely.
When have Blizzard listened to feedback on a beta and made a change that's significant ready for launch?
Jebus, the chaddening of Matt in that shirt is hella distracting, lol
I am avoiding beta like the plague this time – paid entry just turned me immediately off from this round, which does suck since I've done betas for this game since Wrath.
"wOw iS dEaD!"
Does it matter? Since Blizz is gonna ignore most of the legitimately good feedback and do their own shit anyway, ooooh ohhh and still fail at it, because looks at how bad the new affixes are, if people at that competency level cannot understand that on their own but randos on the internet can, then clearly, something wrong at Blizz.
Blizzard doesn't respond to beta feedback anyway, especially if they have their mind made up about something. IE wasting 1,000,000,000 collective hours of your players time with a dogshit queue and mmr system.
I think I paid for the access… but I really have no intention of actually using it. I'm not good at "testing" because I'm not the sort to wander into things that might need the test. I'm very much an "average or below average player". I'd just like a chance to be "current" in a WoW expac for the first time EVER. And the problem with WoW is that if you aren't there at launch and keep up with it… you might as well not even try.
Its mop remix right now
Native controller support for people with arthritis or disabilities. Console port is great but it still has issues.
I think they need to make some unique rewards for those who actually test the game and send real feedbacks and reports on issues. This would make more profit from this situation when a big bunch of players came to beta servers just to "look around"
Season 4 is boring is why there are more testers. Might as well be in Beta since there is nothing to do.
I dont ever do beta testing even if I get access I don't use it lmao
Logged into BETA… saw the momumental task of setting up all my weak auras and addons etc….Sighed greatly….and logged out.
And so many people are simultaneously ruining the expansion for themselves by not being able to discover a damn thing because they played it all already.
I only checked out the earthen race and my talents for shaman and bowed out of the beta. I don't wanna spoil the experience. I have learned from previous experiences to not ruin launch night/day 🙂
I am like number 66
Mine crashes like every 15 minutes and pushes me back and resets a bunch of settings. I’m good with remix for now
Blizzard hired Q&A? Oh, no, they're selling early beta access. "Testing."
Beta testing for Blizzard is a waste of time from most people.
I have not.
I am patiently waiting for release.
No spoiler play for me.
😂… I'll listen though..
Why take the "first time feel" away, aside from the fact its not really benefitting my own person time with my mage..
"Yay i quested.. but none of it matters". Ya know?
This could be very bad for blizzard and it's going to be funny.
Btw are there no eu Servers? Cant copy any eu chars to test 70 plus .. would need to lvl a char new ..
Most people aren’t actually testing. They are gathering info and optimizing the fun out of it just to make money on twitch or YouTube.
Most people aren’t actually testing. They are gathering info and optimizing the fun out of it just to make money on twitch or YouTube.