The War Within Beta: Hunter REWORK! – Looking at the Talent Changes for the Hunter Tree as well as Beast Mastery.
It looks like Blizzard wants a new Dot Spec??
00:00 Beast Mastery Hunter
00:48 Hunter Talent QoLs
02:11 Hunter Defensives
04:36 Hunter Utility
06:08 Beast Mastery Talent QoLs
07:28 Beast Mastery DoTs
09:12 Here’s the DoTs
10:38 You Can Still Be Old BM
11:50 Overall, Improvements
13:48 See You Soon!
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which version of details you have installed on the beta? i only have error's.
i said that and i was right
Noooooooooooo! I was just going around all day thinking it's so nice and simple to play BM because I don't like dotting and keeping track of everything in M+ scenario. Now this. SMH
Bring back old survival hunter as a hero talent
Bring back instant proc or walking Aim shot for MM, casting it is a chore
so hunters are a Dot crit class now, I LOVE IT
Today is a good day.
This rework is insanely good! Those defensive upgrades is completely insane
BM is only the most played spec because most hunter players have zero skill and need the pets dmg. XD lol #MM4Lyfe (Used to be Survival till they made it frigin' Melee, I miss old skool Survival)
remove barrage from BM tree and add stampede back!
affliction bowlock
yeah, bm is gonna go from the most played spec to the least. all the window lickers who can barely handle bm as it is are gonna suck so bad at dot management
lol hunter went from worst defensives to mage level defensives
I haven't actually tried it yet on the beta but yeah, wasn't impressed
I play bm cause it's simple. I can chill and do decent damage. I dont want to manage dots and what not. What have they done?
Honestly I don’t think a dot build will hold up against the potential kill command builds that can come out of pack leader.
from an af lock to beastmastery hunters that never tried multidot classes
juggeling debuff and 2 buffs is not easy
You got me worried there for a sec with ao this DOT talk lmao. I love passive dots. I hate dots i have to apply. I play BM because I am lazy. If i wanted to use my brain id play arcane mage LOL
Solid changes! I loved it!
There is only one problem with hunter. Not enough defensives for m+. Fix this and hunter is playable in high keys.
pets have always just been dots that move 8)
Where are the shaman changes?!?!?!
You’re missing a DoT, Steel Trap in the base class tree had its damage reduced by 80% but it’s still a DoT over 20-30secs for another 10% damage amp
Bm most boring spec
The hati and fenrir talent can also apply a bleed whenever fenrir is summoned so that could make it 6 stacks of basilisk collar and hati just gives u 15% dmg which is still good for pets. Overall the talent synergy is so much better
I check Survial hunter and duuuude looks like the most playable version of survival in years, its like they finally try to do the bombardier / spearman
Should I be happy or concerned that I knew it was Boralus?
Thank you Izen for being there to tell me how I feel about the hunter changes
Did you not look at survival? They got much more changes than bm.