Following Blizzcon, Blizzard game players who purchased the virtual ticket access to a Demo for World Of Warcraft Classic, in this demo you start at level 15 and get to explore the Barrens as Horde and Westfall as the Alliance, I’ve been looking forward to playing WoW Classic for a while now so I decided to record a fun little first impressions video of my experience with the demo over the course of about 3 hours of playing, I didn’t wanna play for longer because I wanted to keep the experience fresh when classic launches in summer 2019, needless to say I can’t wait to make content for it and be immersed in that good old vanilla gameplay.
What are your thoughts on WoW Classic? are you still excited for it or has the demo done enough to quench your nostalgia? let me know in the comments below!
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—World Of Warcraft Vanilla/Classic Description—
World Of Warcraft Classic is a 2019 legacy server for the Vanilla experience of WoW, In this version of the game the level cap is 60, there’s 8 playable races, forsaken, orc, tauren and troll for horde, and dwarf, gnome, human and night elf for the alliance.
WoW classic is a much slower and more punishing experience than current world of warcraft with many conveniences players are used to today not being in the game, you need to read quests, you’ll need to group with players more often, you don’t get access to your first mount until level 40, making gold is much harder and your character is generally a lot weaker when fighting mobs than current wow with mana being a big problem for most caster classes.
The reason a lot of players are looking forward to Vanilla WoW is that it felt a lot more like an RPG, and with progression being much harder it made your accomplishments feel more impactful, It may be slower and have less detailed graphics but the overall pace and game design makes Vanilla WoW feel like a more immersive experience for many players.
World Of Warcraft, Classic, Vanilla, WoW, MMORPG, MMO, Open World, Legacy, Old School, Remake, Horde, Alliance, Crafting, Questing, Dungeons, Raiding, World PVP, Battlegrounds, Progression, Punishing, Gear, Grind, Retro, Demo
If you’d like to suggest a topic for a future discussion, top 10, let’s play or first impressions then please comment or tweet me via the links above.
—Legal footnotes—
This video is Fair Use under U.S. copyright law because it is transformative in nature, uses no more of the original than necessary and have no negative effect on the market of the original work.
World Of Warcraft Classic Demo First Impressions
I remember how big the world was back in classic but even early cataclysm times where you dont get a mount instantley and had to run entire zones .
I was a rogue from vanilla up to WOTLK where I switched to a DK, and the frost mages made my life impossible in vanilla, it was until they introduced cloak of shadows that I was able to fight back.
WoW Classic is mistake and wow shadowlands will suffer for it
I smiled watching this. This brings back memories 🙁
Man… I miss vanilla so much..
why faking it, or you played classic or dont fake
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so im going to put this out there. legacy = progression= never made it on any server on eq which i think they took the legacy idea from. which mean tbc will be out in 2-4ish years id guess and bam bye bye vanilla … again…
OMG the nostalgia
Is this crap even going to have addons? Seems like just more time-delays. More ways to increase time-played for sure. Slow is the theme of this! People are going to google and google over and over to find crap lol.
I still have PTSD from Strangle thorn Vale
I'm very disappointed. That's all from Blizzard? Selling their base game again?
Wich character do you guys like best?
Laughing totalbiscuit was a meme 7 months ago? How did I miss that?
Yea i'm hoping the level isn't as shitty as I remember… fuck that slow leveling non-sense.
We all had good memories with vanilla WOW. But this is a cheap move from blizzard. Just milking nostalgia from players with minimum effort.
Gave up on wow 2 years ago. Got a new labtop and ready for classic
Make another classic video when you get the chance or beta
Really, haven't played much WoW since Vanilla, it was pretty much dumbed down after that, huh…
"You only get one tusk at a time?!" Lol, if you were lucky.
The fact that leveling in vanilla was actually such a long process is amazing. It will rip out the root cause of our toxic shit community, unpatient little fucks. Unless of course Blizzars pulls a "100$ for a level 60" move.
why does graphics looks so 1980s?
Any of you guys ever see how much characters sold for back then If you had a good toon you could fetch a couple hundos.
I thought I'd never come back to wow but these videos keep me second guessing.
run mage as a gold maker, then make a rogue
Is there weapon skill levels in that patch? I remember you actually had to level up your weapon skill in the beginning
Are you not in the beta? 😮
That South Park reference ❤️
I'm even excited to get ganked in strangethorn a billion times again lol
I think onceclassic is released, i think I'm going to emmerse myself completely, reading all the quests and doing a zone at a time.
So now for 3 months we have to watch you tube until classic finaly opens . . . Damn . . . .. . . . 😂
YEAH, FUCKERS! You will HAVE to read ALL the quests. You will REALLY get into WoW Lore now… Biatch…
i never actually got into WoW. Classic seems like a good starting point.
this game looks good ^ ^ i hope i geta chance to play it ^ ^
I don't like to play mages in WoW. But i would recommend them all the way.. There will be plenty of Rogues running around.. Most of them won't find a raiding guild.. But as a mage, It's easy to find groups for dungeons and raids…
Plays classic wow…
Automatically installs questhelper addon again.
that south park reference xD
Did somebody say [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]?!
Damn no wonder i spent days playing.
so much things you got wrong. Like knowing you gotta go to setting to get instant quest text, and that arcane missiles change their look the higher the rank they become – oh and ''I think that was the single longest quests I ever done in wow'', yea, yea, you defo did not play wow classic . I do not think you ever played classic
@TheLazyPeon are you playing when Classic launches in September mate?
Roll Alliance or else
what server ya going to roll with in classic? imn thinking thrall illidan zuljin or malganis. far as horde, allie id say sargeras or duskwood for pvp servers. or kel'thuzad