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HUGE Leveling Changes in the War Within Pre-Patch

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Video Chapters
00:00 Intro
01:01 XP Amount Changes
02:38 New Default Leveling
04:16 Chromie Time
04:45 Riding/Flying Updates
07:27 Dracthyr Evoker Changes
07:59 Warbands
10:19 Final Thoughts & Outro

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  1. I love dragon isles but I restarted playing in season 3. I am very happy that it will become 10-70 so I can level up alts there and experience it again, hopefully doing the story quests in order this time.

  2. I'm lowkey mega excited about the reg flying on dracthyr. Being able to just hover with the wings is such a nice change.. plus, flying at lightspeed as a tiny druid in owl form sounds fantastic.

  3. Not related to the video @MrGM but, when i middle click your username on Youtube, it opens a page with 404 error, this only happens with your channel for some reason lol

  4. I wish option with chromie that you can go and scale selected expansion to your character. I wish to do Loremaster on max level character playing new expansion and for relax "switch" timeline and do ex. TBC or dreanor not insta killing enemies. I know there could be an issue with some group quests (as it may require a bit of rework). Just scaling open zopnes to your character level as a Chromie toggle with her could bring much more fun 🙂

  5. You know, I’m a casual WoW player now and have been for a decade since starting a family.

    I wish Blizzard would allow me to “rebirth” my character. I usually main a Prot Pally, but would like to try the Ret changes coming. It would be easier for me learn the class re-leveling the character rather than creating another one and deleting when I cap.

    One of the better things I liked playing Diablo 3 was the ability to do that for a seasonal character and try the new things in that season. Let me keep my gear and gold, put it in the bank then give it back when I cap. Similar to the level boost inventory items you get.

  6. Good even though leveling in retail is extremely fast it still feels like a pointless chore and classes don't feel fun until you're 60-70 with the full toolkit of spells.

  7. Make some extra characters in MOP Remix of classes you want and run a normal raid a day on as many as you'd like. I plan to have a high cape and see if I can go from 30 to 70 on them using the "don't pick up bonus xp" trick. I enjoy playing as different races now because of how easy MOP Remix has been. If they lower it more in pre patch, maybe I'll make something besides blood elves and void elves.

  8. I'm amazed people even have to level alts anymore with Panda Remix currently live. You can literally get an alt from 1-70 in 35 minutes. I've leveled my entire account to 70 with it.

  9. i wish they had a chromie questline that was just a "the story so far" type thing. a questline where you run scenarios detailing the most important events/questlines/instances from each expansion up to now. you could run it on any character at any time. it wouldnt be able to get everything obviously but it would help a lot for new, old and returning players. you could even make scenarios that are mockups of warcraft 1-3 events, or shit from the books. would only take a few hours to complete the entire questline.

  10. Really wish they'd nerf the amount of exp you get while leveling, it doesn't even feel like a rpg anymore, they may as well just hand out boosts to everyone. They are way too focused on getting players to endgame when alot of people enjoy the journey and levels actually making a difference. But with scaling the way it is it doesnt make much of a difference anyhow. They really need to look into the whole scaling situation at some point

  11. Nice video but I don't think I need to level anymore in pre patch 😂 ik have made 12 level 70's in remix and that puts up a total of 42 70's so yeah I think I'm set😬

  12. It's super minor, but someone did point out that Earthen get a bonus to exploration experience earned, so they might lose out if you use the heirloom maps on those characters once they are unlocked.

  13. You had me at "You don't have to do your last 10 levels in dragonflight anymore." I don't hate the content- but god damn if I'm not bored after having to do the exact same 4 zones, on EVERY alt.

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