World of Warcraft LEGION: F@*K You, Garrisons Return !!

So F@*K YOU everyone, the Garrison Command Tables are back because that’s what we really wanted… NOT !! (Live Streaming) (Facebook) (Twitter) (Armory) (Title Sequence and Branding)

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  1. I quit WOW years ago when all the work building skills was proven worthless. I was very disappointed after all those hundreds of hours mastering my secondary skills through two expansions and nothing. I spent most time farming for 'G' fishing, cooking and gathering supplies for worthless recipes. I left the game.

  2. So they are desperate to come up with content because of lack of people working for blizzard? This cow is so milked now its amazing to see so many people are fooled to play this game.

  3. It's now the year 2020/July 7 and this rant is still as true today as it was the day it was made. Although, I would add a couple of words to it (Just as a personal update!!!) And those words are "Weak and Desperate." You can't even make any friends on wow these days. What ever happened to the true classic wow spirit? Shame on you Blizzard, shame on you.

  4. Just watched this video for the first time after Taliesin mentioned on Twitter that this was the video that inspired him to be a Youtuber. I was not disappointed. 😂

  5. If the Unholy DK weapon is supposed to be just as powerful as Frostmourne then how come I couldn't raise my own Sindragossa? Why didn't I have over 10 million hp? One hit clerics because they pulled aggro off the tank?

  6. All the bad parts of garrisons, none of the good parts. I liked having a giant base of NPCs that would work for me and a space that was all my own. But storywise Legion is orders of magnitude better than the stupid crap that was WoD. Garrisons needed to be a RTS.

  7. All the excitement over Classic keeps getting me thinking I want to try current retail, and then I see a video like this, and I am cured of that urge.

  8. Looking back on it now that BfA is out, Its STILL terrible in BfA even if they did promise its 'less involved'. Its the boiling frog analogy with the dumbass mission tables

  9. So now that BfA is out, we've had a chance to see what the final results were for legion…turns out it was just barely better then WoD according to blizzard stockholder reports. Guess bad things copy and pasted from a bad expansion leads to similar bad results, who would have thought

  10. Well.. in fact we fucking hated the order hall part… Some parts were fun … thw quests. NOT THE COMMAND TABLE. So for god's sake WE DON'T WANT IT IN BFA!

  11. I don't think the missions were the problem in WoD , people in legion are still making there own champions to do missions and no one is mad about that anymore.
    And i bet you played a Facebook game once in your life and you liked it.
    And can imagine he reacts how Legion looks like today.
    Legion on of the best expansion… to Wrath of the Lich King.

  12. All I hear is WAAAAH! I GOTTA GO TO MY GARRISON AND CLICK BUTTONS! WAAAAH! Seriously, if having a daily thing of running to a table and doing 3 things (5-15 minutes of work AT MOST including travel time TO your Garrison or Class Order Hall) then get the fuck out.

  13. i sense more passion in this video then i did in the 1 month i bothered with legion
    i'd have to agree, the art and some of the overarching story lines are great in legion but the core gameplay is absolutely trash

  14. Surprisingly, Order Halls are worse than WoD's Garrisons. It is irrelevant non-content past the forced intro campaign and research notes. Should have just been scrapped and dev time put into anything else.

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