if there is glitches or audio issues they will be fixed soon ty
Hello Everyone!! Super excited to have you all join this journey and I cant wait for yall to see what we have in store. Don’t forget to like and subscribe!!!! #worldofwarcraft #wow #gaming #girlgamer

12 11 Less than a minute
5:58 Don't worry about taking your time.
Your new character!
Your choice!
Just yesterday I thought about to start wow over again. Now I can watch your vids and can see how wow is in 2023. Last time I played was like 2020 I guess and this not very much. The last time I was really active was back then when the pandas came out.
I don't know if it's just me, but back here in the first video (haven't seen it before now) your sound drowns when they do some actions in the starting menu
Sounds like Lt Ashley Williams
honestly i think the game sound was a bit high compared to ur voice
Enjoy the journey! 🤙
I've played lots of MMO's over the years but never tried WoW (shocking, I know!). I intend to give it whirl very soon so this series will be really interesting. Thanks for posting 🙂
Hope you are enjoying WoW!
Love this series! great job 🙂
Ooo! Another small WoW youtuber! I love it
Alliance 💙
Look forward to seeing your leveling experience and eventual venture into dragonflight! Glad I've got a few to binge before catching up lol