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#warcraft #worldofwarcraft #wow
Dude please for the love of god, STOP talking…
really feels like we are witnessing the birth of wow 4.0 and playing through it
I stopped playing during Legion. If i onky have a few hours a week is it worth it to play again? Does everything take all day kr multiple days still?
Chromie time will be 10-71….assuming Blizzard doesn't fuck it up again this time like they did for levels 60-61
personally i'm not a fan of chromie time for leveling because it divides up the player base.lets say a given number of players leveling att the same time, the game already have the horde alliance divide why split them up even more with chromie time? it just makes the game feel empty! instead they should focus on making kalimdor and eastern kingdom a good place for leveling and update lore to fit the latest expansion when needed. best scenario IMO would be if the leveling is or include some sort of prelude quest line to the current expansion.
Sees that it's a video of a video, goes to orginal video
I hope i can have Dragonriding mounts and normal flyinf mounts so i dont have to toggle between at all times.
So they aren;t doing shit to leveling really, nothing to make it more enjoyable, more meaningful, or more memorable experience, just giving you a XP buff to get you to max level as fast as possible…guess that's good for FOTM players but me….ZzZzZzZzZzZ
i really dont want a crazy fast leveling experience. its only 10 levels. i dont need to get through them in 4 hours. especially in a new expansion
i know i'm in the minority here and most ppl just want to get their levelling over and done with asap but constantly buffing xp gains every xpac and ppl being able to lvl 1-70 in like 2hrs or whatever, it's starting to feel kinda ridiculous. blizz might as well just do away with lvlling for alts all together, give us lvl 70 (or whatever the previous xpac's max lvl was) just straight out of character creation if we already have a toon at max so we're just straight into current xpac content…
Might as well cuz all the content is end game anyways
Blizzard has no idea how to fix leveling in wow. Every single time it’s just an xp buff. They have no ideas to make it a fun process with meaningful progression.
Getting dragon riding at level 10 in the dragon, Isles is most likely not a bug because you get dragon riding at level 60 pretty much as soon as you get the first little bit of questing done so it would not make any sense to have players not get their dragon after getting to the dragon Isles at level 10
It makes sense to me. If the expac cycles are gonna be shorter, why not make leveling quicker?
They're actually taking the 25% xp buff from a private server called Whitemane, they have an ancestral wisdom buff that gives you 15% buff per max level character.
How fast can you level with the pre patch event ??