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Don’t Panic…YET | Raid Testing DPS Results | The War Within Beta

The War Within Beta | Raid Testing DPS Results | Now is the time to provide feedback after trying out the Specs in a raiding environment!
Hopefully in 2 weeks time, for the next Raid Testing, we’ll see some balance tuning!

00:00 Raid Testing
01:01 Weakest DPS in Raid Testing
02:36 Middle Pack DPS
03:29 Best DPS Results
06:10 Time For Feedback
09:46 See you soon!

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  1. Take this all with grain of salt people cause at the end of the day the purpose of this game is to enjoy and you are most likely to perform better with a spec you like than a spec you are forced to play due to being meta.

  2. I don't care that fire mage is top dps but i fking love it u can finally drop that shitty sunkings blessing talent.
    I hated it since it was a lego in shadowlands.

  3. So what's the actual point of this video? There's been 0 tuning and more than 2 months till expand launches. We test bosses – not revewing whos buttons hit harder. Utterly pointless video.

  4. lol people are actually looking at DPS meters? The final traits for Trickster and Dark Ranger don’t even work. In terms of class balance this doesn’t feel the same as Dragonflight was at this point in the Beta. Deathstalker is hilariously poorly designed (although granted that might not change). Hellcaller Destro and Conduit Monks are hilariously overtuned because someone thinks free ritual procs and a channel that does obscene damage are good ideas. And that’s just the very basic problems. Tuning itself hasn’t even been done once. They toned down some highly over performing talents but only so they can better balance the spec when they perform the first round of balancing. Balancing rounds still haven’t happened yet.

  5. Just to clarify, Izen.. When you say Elemental is "working"… its a DPS loss to cast Tempest and multiple points in the Stormnbringer tree does not work.
    Tempest also does not have any synergy with the spec and does not any benefit from haste (not even cast speed). So no. Elemental is not working. Both Hero trees were "implemented" and left as is.

    Side note: Elemental has not had one (Damage based) tuning or talent change adjustment since 28/07/2023 (S3 DF) and zero changes in the Alpha or Beta of TWW.

  6. We're still weeks away from tuning passes on the beta. Numbers will change and change drastically. It's this way everytime. Numbers are the last thing Blizzard touches in the beta. The main attention is on if the game is playable.

  7. @IZEN Outlaw feels terrible, even when gearing/gemming for HASTE – they completely gutted the specc. S3 Outlaw rogue was the most fun version EVER and they decided to change it – i dont get it.

  8. Some specs feels like ass to play regardless of how good the numbers are. Elemental Shaman and Havoc Demon hunter comes to mind immedietly after the last weeks testng.

    There a few others aswell with dysfunctional hero talents and gameplay that just feels OFF. Beast Mastery hunters AOE is another one with Beast cleave only lasting 6 seconds and the talent in pack leader to extend the duration dont work currently so having to use every 3rd global on multi shot for AoE feels…. blizzards favorite word: CLUNKY

    Do they swap dev teams every expansion or what? because the same mistakes just keeps coming back but for different specs. The clunk is real.

  9. I dont understand how they are always so far off in testing with balancing classes. Did they even try? This looks like absolute ass for half the classes/specs.

  10. TBF in fire's case, that one fight it seems to be overperforming is almost a best case scenario fire fight, fire is still overtuned but not as much as that fight would indicate

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