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Who Will Run WoW, Dispelling Warband Myths And How 2024 Will Look – Warcraft Weekly

Blizzard is setting the stage for a very critical expansion launch and part of it is its General Manager leaving just months ahead of it! Meanwhile the MoP Remix is being remixed again and we’ve got to clear up what Warbands are all about.

Coffee With Soul
830AM Tuesday through Thursday

0:00 Intro
0:28 Remix buffs and changes
2:30 Warband testing and clarifications
5:10 John Hight depature and what’s next
7:00 War Within roadmap breakdown

World of Warcraft and World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is developed by Blizzard Entertainment. Check them out or sign up to play for FREE up to level 20!

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  1. I never thought i would care about raiding or item levels in Remix, but i am having so much fun doing exact that. It is so great to have the gearing end goal in sight and also possible to accomplish without stupid ammount of RNG. It is so fun testing out different rotations seeing how it impact my DPS placement. Now i am considering SoO mythic even 😅

  2. I don't think Holly is the right person. She is good at kind of shepherding existing roadmap but do not see her has a real creative, innovative story leader. Assuming Metzen wants to stay in the shadows, Ian may want to step up and can put his fingerprint on the franchise. If it's none of these people, then bring in new blood. From outside Blizzard AND Microsoft. Storytelling background is a must for the role.

  3. Remix was a ton of fun but at the point where I am ready to go back to retail. That has been hard as hell. Underpowered and move so slow. The lack of haste has my rotations all messed up also. Being fully upgraded in remix is a blast though.

  4. Story wise: Dragonflight both impressed and disappointed me. No real middle ground, just one or the other.
    Gameplay: It felt extremely refreshing with the new experimental team (Plunderstorm which was personally not my thing as well as MoP Remix which has been a blast), new flying, better professions, etc.

    Lore for me is extremely important and I really want to find out for myself.
    I've tried avoiding spoilers even though I've seen a few, but I'm really afraid that once the Early Access starts that "Unprofessional" players will start spoiling stuff without tagging it as a spoiler.

  5. You're mentioning heroic dungeons on the first two weeks of the expansion but it says heroic dungeons queues open with season 1 (since it's basically old m0) so won't we farm only normal mode for two weeks? (Which sounds so boring lol)

  6. I honestly loved dragon flight the storyline was kinda janky..the currency update was a little wild..the professions were..not enjoyable..I'm looking forward to tww..where it seems they have smoothed everything out ..

  7. You joke about player housing, but I honestly believe Metzen telling us “it’s time to come home”, was a little nibble of what’s to come. Warbands imo are the first steps, I wouldn’t be surprised to see if your home city house has your other favorite warband members chilling out in these player houses. I think it would be cool if you could flip from one character to another that resides in your player house, not requiring you to log out and back in. The last bit maybe a stretch, but there are a lot of signs warbands are unifying your account for something bigger.

  8. Eh, I'm done with Remix. It was fun and I'm glad Blizz did something so different, but I got any skins/mounts I wanted and leveled more 70s than I need. I returned to retail and am enjoying my time much more.

  9. Other than the debacle that was professions, Dragonflight was AWESOME! It is obvious to the casual observer that the professions dev team missed all the game philosophy meetings that made Dragonflight the success that it was! The professions dev team’s clinging to the toxicity that is hazing should have led to many HR movements, but perhaps if influencers weren’t so heady to support a game style that requires massive time commitment and exclusivity frameworks, the War Within changes would have been more robust.

  10. My opinion of Dragonflight overall… was good.
    I really enjoyed the story.
    Dungeons and design were great, never tried mythic, never will so, I am guessing that they were fine.
    Going back to the talent tree was good but I feel like this is going to be short lived again…
    the new hero talents is a testament to how difficult this will be going forward, so some uneasiness on the horizon.
    Zones looked great, Dragonriding was amazing.

    Negatives: The crest system… felt tedious. You would get to the end of a section (like Vet 8/8) and be stuck until a champion piece happened to drop.
    I hated the new crafting mechanics that made me truly feel like it was useless, for the first time ever.
    Season 4 was a complete waste of time. They put the remix in which completely distracted me from play any of the S4 content, which was all rehashed stuff anyway.
    Hate the new heroic being far more difficult. The jump was too much for us hard core world players / solo'ists. Felt punishing.

    Thank you for reading.

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