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This video shows an overview of Lord Marrowgar in 10m Icecrown Citadel.
Addons: DBM, Recount, Omen
I hope this guide will help you have more fun in World of Warcraft! (^_^)v.
Special thanks to all my friends, subscribers, Adobe, Blizzard, Fraps, and anyone I left out (^_^)v.
Added Thanks to Collin for the Intro.
Added Thanks for the outro to:
Andy(RP VO)
“Now go PvP err PvE err RP or something!”
Guild: Has A Bucket
Server: Arthas – US
Copyright 2009 © Tarou’s WoW Guides
World of Warcraft® and Blizzard Entertainment®
Music by:
© 2001-2008 Kevin MacLeod
i clicked on this at random lookin for fight assistance, bro seeing tarou say whats up guy and girl players maxed out my nostalgia bar
13 Years Ago i played Icc for the first Time and now we are almost ready to enter this Glorious Raid again im hyped
Why are captions only in Korean?
13 years in the future and this is still helping in WoW classic 😁 thanks mate
good guide bro
Are those guides for hc?
Anyone here in 2023 for the debut of ICC in WoW Classic?
Amazing guide. You were a legend
Set me free!
Back for WoTLK Classic
4:11 what is "to pop" tank CDs? Im new in wow.
I'm from warmane bruh
You had a really good mic for 2009 lol
imagine if lord marrowgar had bone storm in world of warcraft?
That intro is genius 😀
Thank you very much, awesome video 🙂
i kill him, all weak lol
Thank you for your ICC guides, Tarou. They helped my guild a lot and made raids less problematic! (wotlk private server)
Nice. My guild uses these videos and TankSpots versions for WotLK bashing on WoW-Mania's Free Server. Good old LK action. Cheers.
what abouth other bosses? Would you make guide /abouth them video?
good times
im leading ICC for my guild your a life saver lol
love the end xD
nice guide and thanks 🙂
I love hes intro :D!
2 warriors and 1 pala we kill this monster jajaja
i think the best 2 things happened to wow is wotlk and tbh and who dont like it go fuck urself,nice guide btw im on private server cuz i like wotlk and this will help me raiding icc
i miss wotlk 🙁
@master71452 standing in the same place, on top of each other
i have an addon named gearscore(gs) so what is the gs required to own this boss witout problems?
Alright, i have two level 80's a dk and a rogue, but i just leveld a druid to level 80, and am currently gearing him, any tips on how to get great gear quickly without speding a ton of gold? and also thanks for the vids they are great anyone wants to contact me in game druid is Nightelve on Gilneas dk is Ghxst on Gilneas and rogue is Frootyloop on Gilneas all alliance thank you.
these strategies that you say also works for 25 man right