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Are you a filthy casual that wants to give Roleplaying a try? Well my friend, you have come to an expert! In this video I will try to explain to you a few different kinds of Roleplayers you may come across in your journey across Azeroth – some of them more dangerous than the rest. I hope though that with the help of this list you too can find where you fit in the most in the Roleplaying world. Good luck, weary traveler.
Made by, Nixxiom
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:
Sponsored by Curse – Union for Gamers
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HEY! You forgot about us Marketeers!
My wife plays world of warcraft and shes good at it, i do see why people think women dont play WoW tho.
I want to get into WOW Roleplay does anybody have tips like where can I find the servers for that?
Women not playing wow and rp?? I do and have lots of friends who does xD
Ashevn right? 🙂
The lesbian shii is lowkey accurate since i see naked elfs all the time like that on argent dawn
But… there is a legend… believed by many to be merely a myth… yet they truly do exist amongst the people…
…The RPer who actually wants to make friends and has actually played a Tabletop RPG.
Dont believe most of this video, it is satire. Many people will be fine rping relationships regardless of their rp partners real life gender/sexual orientation. Girls do exist in RP and many enjoy roleplaying too. Sit in the corner RPers are in fact often disabled or shy roleplayers and mention it in their TRPs.
I love doing "roll" playing…and biscuit oh and english muffins too.
Two buddies of mine decided to make some vanilla characters, humans, of course. They played off of having "brother" in their names and while we were waiting for someone else to log in, we started conversations in Goldshire. It devolved into myself being burned alive by a fire mage and they ended up dancing naked on the tables for money.
The wow server i'm on most people on there are the futa night elf RPer
8:33 Sometimes I do use Paladin then afk in cathedral district because I do dailies in Touhou LostWord or read the Touhou LostWord Gamepress Tierlist or sometimes Story Card list
Call me a weeb = You're a westoid
To any RPers out there, how do you guys have lvl 40+ characters. I thought leveling and doing questing was considered out of character in rp servers?
Ahhh, not all can be worthy of the herbal winds. We must be guided by the good herb. Ishnuallah.
but arent night elf druids 1000s of years old?
sadly futa night elves dont exist
Im #2 but thats because im too anxious to talk to anyone lmao
lol loving this….but I am a real girl, I have been playing since day 1 release and will play forever, so yeah, there are A LOT of fake girls in game, but some of us are real 😉
Still relevant to this day.