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#WoW #WorldOfWarcraft #MMORPG #seasonofdiscovery
asmongold bush pvp cata classic cata guide cataclysm guide Classic classic era era pvp guide irl Macro mmorpg Payo payo grief phase 4 SoD pshero pve pvp Raid reacts rogue Runes Savix season of discovery shobek SoD sod p4 guide sod p4 rogue stream Twitch undead vanilla warrior whitemane world of warcraft World of warcraft funny moment world of warcraft highlights world pvp wow Wow classic funny moments wow grief wow shorts wow troll Xaryu Ziqo
Currently streaming SOD everyday @ https://www.twitch.tv/payo !! Make sure to follow my twitch – maybe a little twitch prime? Have a great day everyone
Mf said ohh shit an 30 horde appeared 😅😅
Payo is so boring
Mage turned you into Moses haha
2:36 mais wtf c'est pour ca qu'on appelle ca la horde
Payo is literally baBUSHka
Mec j’attendais que tu te connectes ce soir mais tu n’étais pas en live.
C’est dommage petit Gaspard ! 😂
Bonne journée
payo u still a idio. kid … kinda anoing when you talk shitta
"i told you to run" oO
But why was the bread cold? Was it possibly next to some frozen potatoes?
I was wondering what could be interesting in the clip with the druid running away.
"R U N"
Pretty funny to get hit by the bus.
"You play like a b**ch… ah sh*t."
Army of people that play like a b**ch come and kill the little man
Ppc habibi 🥸
2:13 LOL
i'm watching