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World of Warcraft: The ‘Story Mode’ Problem

This video discusses Blizzard’s new ‘Story Mode’ that will be introduced in The War Within regarding raids. It’s a very exciting prospect and will be hugely helpful for players who wish to learn the story on their own terms. I consider this a massive W for Blizzard, but there is also a catch and a giant L as it stands, and this must be addressed.

I understand this might be a late topic to discuss, but I feel it’s not being talked about enough and want to shine a light on it if possible.

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  1. If ever there was a valid reason to remove LFR Story Mode is it. Story Mode really is superior in LFR in every way; no queue time if you main DPS, you still get your story objectives done, can still be challenging on one's own especially for some specs and LFR is obsolete in terms of gearing between the non-raiding gearing options now. If they do replace LFR with Story Mode I'd definitely expand it for the whole raid as sometimes really cool characters like Nazgrim in SoO, Kael'thas in Castle Nathria, King Rastakhan in BoD and Kurog Grimtotem in VotI aren't the final boss and deserve to be a story beat as well.

  2. I agree with LFR being removed, it never should have been introduced and I hope they leave it out of cata classic. However, the issue I see with normal being queable is people will treat it like they do with LFR now, just blasting through not caring, semi afking and making the experience awful.

  3. Follower dungeons def isn't fading into obscurity as it's already being used for it's intended purpose when you level thru the story. It enables Blizzard to tie in a dungeon into the story easily and that is prob why it was introduced in the first place. And we are def seeing the use of it already in TWW.

    As far as story mode: I think a good compromise for Blizzard, if they still wanna gate it, would be to release it like they have done the legendary questlines recently, available right after the first World First Mythic kill. And I def agree with the removal of LFR all together.

  4. I'm somewhat torn on the Story Mode and I do agree with you that if anything it should replace LFR. Five difficulties for the same raid is just too much and for me, as someone who has played the game a ton, sounds overwhelming. I also think that some raids do need multiple fights, even for story's sake. It would not feel the same to me to do ICC without fighting Saurfang and Sindragosa, or doing the Jailer's raid without fighting Anduin. Curious to see if this "one boss raid" is just for the one tier or something to stay.

    As for the time gating: One aspect that makes sense to me about this is that they don't want people that care about the story be "done" with the story after 2 weeks of the expansion or tier launching. Putting the finale of the current tier in like week 8 (or whenever LFR last wing is released) does make sense from a perspective of wanting players to keep playing the game for a bit longer. To play devil's advocate a bit an argument could be made that they don't want to make the most casual players feel pressured to level quickly in order to see the Story Mode when everyone else does, many players are not max level within a week. However, for people that play the game a decent amount, the time gating will just suck.

  5. The story is what brought many into the world of warcraft.
    What i HATE about Story mode is that it is only the LAST Boss of the whole raid!
    It's like you give someone the last page of the final chapter of a book and expect them to be amazed, yet they don't know anything about what happened before that in the final chapter, nothing of the build up or maybe the loss of important characters along the way (in the other raid boss fights or during some raid encounters) and yet Blizz expects them to praise them for "Story Mode".
    Sorry such a half baked idea is not worthy of complete praise..maybe a bit but it needs more thought.
    For example if that one Shadowlands Raid will get "Story Mode" none of those people will see Garroshs final hurah, which does complete his character.
    Blizz get your shit together, WarCraft has a great story, treat it that way! Take some pages from Final Fantasy 14 and please stop focussing only on Alliance with a few Thrall sprinkled here and there..the Horde exists too.

  6. 90 votes on a poll by a channel with barely 2K subscribers is definitely reflective of the player base and not your tiny microcosm of Youtube. Story will always be the least important aspect of WoW and the hyper fixation on shoving it down everyone's throats has been objectively detrimental to the game since Legion.

  7. I see it as a positive for them to look at youtube videos. Because especially for new players it teaches them to look at online resources. Which is a MUST, because this gives them a huuge boost.
    Today I saw a blood DK who did not use D&D, I asked why and he replied "it does small dmg". These folk NEED youtube.

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