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#WoW #WorldOfWarcraft #MMORPG #seasonofdiscovery
asmongold cata classic cata guide cataclysm guide Classic classic era Combat era pvp guide irl Macro mmorpg Multilate Payo payo grief phase 4 SoD pshero pve pvp Raid reacts rogue Runes Savix season of discovery shobek SoD stream Twitch undead vanilla warrior whitemane world of warcraft World of warcraft funny moment world of warcraft highlights world pvp wow Wow classic funny moments wow grief wow guide wow shorts wow troll Wrath of the Lich King Xaryu Ziqo
Currently streaming SOD everyday @ https://www.twitch.tv/payo !! Make sure to follow my twitch – maybe a little twitch prime? Have a great day everyone
the little bush KEKW
I only watch for the griefing .
I remember before the guards used to attack you if you did pvp in the base, they would almost 1 shot you.
3:09 when you're just hanging with your bros
Would be more entertaining if the obly remaining SoD players weren't literal bots lol
Me clicks video ah sweet! New Payo vid jus..
Me – 😳😳😳
The only bush of Silithus.🤣
The Bush!