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Xal’atath is BEST Mommy?!😩🙏 World of Warcraft Shadow and Fury & The War Within Beta Trailer Reaction

The Harbinger of the Void has been revealed. With Xal’atath’s dark plans set in motion, her gaze now shifts to Azeroth’s heroes and the struggles they face within. Xal’atath is taunting us as shadows gather deep within the heart of Azeroth. Band together to face the darkness.

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  1. 7:15 – for the story of Magni, i suggest that you check out the video "the best written Dwarf in Warcraft's History" by Platinum WoW, the story is not FULLY his, but it will answer ye how he got in the state he's in.

  2. 7:00 – Thrall's relationship with the Elements has been… tenuous… after using them to kill Garrosh during the Mak'Gora. he willingly forsook his honor to stop Garrosh and avenge Cairne's murder, but the Elements didnt take kindly to that, and Thrall has not been able to connect to the Elements as well since then and his attempts to reconnect have evidently been… less than ideal.

  3. 4:10 – Alleria Windrunner, she leads the Void Elves who serve the Alliance, once was a Blood Elf as we called them ever since the Third War. she has two Sisters, one being someone you know well of.

  4. 2:30 – i believe that SHE, Xal'atath, was the original ruler of The Black Empire, but the Old Gods wanted her throne and so they conspired to seal her away. because you see, while she is the Harbinger of the Void, the Old Gods were as steeped in madness as their worshippers were, yet she is focused, calm, cool and collected.

    EDIT: she was trapped inside a Dagger, yes. an Artifact Weapon acquired by Shadow Priests in Legion, you could go get that blade in Legion still. in any case N'Zoth freed her in BFA.

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