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Great vid
Senior staff continues to leave
old news why reporting on this just now? Cant be any worse with him gone but they will find someone worse im sure its what blizz does best.
Isn't it strange how Americans can't grasp basic English?
You're either 'stepping down' or 'walking away' from a job . . . . NEVER have I seen 'stepping away' used like that.
Only time I heard it used is when the police yell 'step away from the car' type-thing on some TV prog . . .
Holly seems legit. Let’s goooo!
Is the game going to really miss him? If not, then he wasn’t that important or good at his job. Sorry, but that’s true… regardless of industry or role.
We have not really seen him see or do anything since the DF intro videos. And we have seen a lot more Ion and especially Holly since then. This was likely long planned
I always liked him at the blizzcon presentations. Holly is a good replacement
Rumor is they will replace him with a female or POC…guildie who claims to be a B employee said it was forced resignation…now this, guildie is mostly right on B company info.
Hi, Captain Mandela, effect here!
Wasn't John Hights departure covered last week or before that? Am I going insane? If so, tits!
Thank f for that!
The last 12 years of Blizzard has been fairly terrible.
The ship keeps on sinking deeper and deeper
I need a full theme park attraction of Warcraft and bring this beautiful world to life and beyond. I wish someone in the Blizzard Company would contact me so we can bring Warcraft to life as a full theme park attraction, the world first interactive theme park ever created, and so many things to this beautiful Warcraft game. So yeah, I hope they could contact me
there getting rid of all the old devs that great now WoW be ION Chris and Holly for WoW future!
Can't help but marvel at the diversity of perspectives woven into this conversation. It's truly enlightening.✨
Hight was one of the few people during the bad times that really understood the franchise.
Best of luck to him. 🙏
Oh boi