We recently had a new ‘Trials’ feature added to Modern Warfare! With this, you can earn bonus xp by simply competing in the trial. Based on stars your xp will increase! #COD2019 #CallofDuty #CODMW
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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is an upcoming FPS video game developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision. It will serve as the sixteenth overall installment in the Call of Duty series as well as a “soft reboot” of the Modern Warfare sub-series. It is scheduled to be released on October 25, 2019.
UPDATE: They've removed trials while they investigate the missing XP. I wonder if I'll get my tickets or xp back :(((
I can’t even get it like I am on level 136 and I can’t why
Some of the rewards say “loadout: *gun”
thansk u help wait this game was released in 2019???
Why didn't I get the prize they gave me it's says you get a prize but no prizd
Is the life fire course in warzone
I can’t find warzone vids
I hate this shit, this is what I was expecting special ops to be but it’s locked behind tickets you have to dedicate your life online to be able to get and there’s no offline mode for fun with no xp rewards that you can practice or have a fun time with, every time I do one I’m stressing about not getting 3 stars and if I should have saved them and not even played it’s messed up they need to make these freely accessible
Do you earn weapon Xp in trials?
So why isnt this a free thing…. the spec ops on mw sucks and only good spec ops type of thing on mw needs tickets fuck my life
Those levels are impossible. Fuck those tickets.
You need to be faster to hit 3 star in marksman. Ive done it ive got 3 star. You n3ed to be fast ang precise.
I got 102% accuracy xause i shot 2 at once😎👌
Yesterday i spet 28 tokes and still i dont think i got the xp 😪
Ive done the season 3 trials but i havent gotten the weapon unlocks?
How do i get to it tho
I’ve got about 30 tickets. Never knew what they done till now ahaha.
I wish that it was like mw2 where you didn’t need any tickets. I just want to grind these and try to get them all to 3 stars like I did in mw2
Will this count for missions?
I’m level 55 and have no ticket
This is so fuckin stupid. These are the trials that were supposed to be in the spec ops mode. Fuck activision
Can you use the tickets during double xp.
Just got 3 stars on the marksman you must just be shit mate
I find sniper easiest. Live fire next then the target. With the new one the parkour is soooo much fun
If your max rank then you can’t rank up anymore.😑
i like turtles
Always use the pistol on the target shooting one with civilians
I tried the target trial, and I could only get two stars going the fastest I could. With the live target trial I could only get one star because the last enemy glitched into the ceiling of a building. The sniper trial was literally impossible. I tried the sniper trial 9 times, and I was still not even getting a single star. I tried being accurate, being fast, and even not missing a shot, but nothing seems to work at all. My advice? Don't do trials at all. At least not until they're fixed. I've found that completing your daily challenges and co-op missions is your most reliable and rewarding method of farming levels.