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Pointless Top 10: Turtles in World of Warcraft

Pointless Top 10: Turtles in World of Warcraft
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  1. My fave turtle is Gahmoo-Ra. The first boss in (retail BFD). He has a mechanic where he will start to spin and then charge 1 of the dps or the healer. If you have your party at the main entrance, He will just FLY through the dungeon walls and slam into them at the entrance then flys back to the boss arena. Still works to this day. One of the funniest things that I discovered cause 1 of our dps died and spawned back at the entrance. All of us were just thrown off so bad we couldnt stop laughing (the dps died again too XD)

  2. Ah man. I remember getting kresh's back the first time i killed him. My husband was sooo pissed. He was helping me through on his hunter his main was a warrior…. ah… good times…

  3. Does anyone in-world KNOW the guy is okay and just hangs out in the caverns cause he likes it there? Maybe that's why no one has looked into it, cause he attacks anyone that comes along just like everything else in there. lol

  4. WoW is actually where my username comes from. There is a turtle pet that is usually quiet, but once in a while lets out a loud roar.
    and I've been using it now for over 15 years.

  5. This dude is dumb. He literally said the point of the turtles, like the snapjaw for example. The point is kill them for the turtle meat for the quest…so they're not pointless. Tortos is a RAID boss. You killed him for raid loot/transmog he isn't pointless. etc. Could you not find pointless npc turtles? If not you shouldn't title it that.

  6. No turtle is pointless! Thanks for highlighting them in another aweseome video, Crendor!

    I stopped playing ages ago, so it is always really cool to see some things I missed. I always liked those giant turtles the Tuskarr tame as transportation.

    *Edit: clarification

  7. "It's boring, there's nothing there." That's definitely why I love it. You can sum up a lot of Vanilla's world as that and that's legitimately what made it so special.

  8. I cannot believe you did not include Optimistic/Cranky Benj!

    In Hillsbrad Foothills, there's a rare spawn called Cranky Benj that spawns on a rock on a waterfall near the turtles you mentioned in the video. What's not known is that you can enter the Durnholde dungeon in the Caverns of Time and find him in the exact same spot, not called Optimistic Benj. You're left to assume that he was turned Cranky by age, or maybe something happened to him?

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