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Should You Buy The 3-Day Early Access For The War Within? | Goldmakers Perspective

A lot of people have asked me if they should buy the 3-day early access for the war within so I decided to make this video going over all my thoughts around the subject. Let me know what you guys think in the comments below!

0:00 Intro
0:45 What can you do during Early Access?
1:42 Rewards You Get For Buying
2:00 Why I don’t like Early Access
4:04 Goldmakers Perspective
8:56 Should You Buy it?
9:44 Outro/Summary

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  1. Спасибо за отличное видео ! Думаю что я возьму ранний доступ, так как я должен работать в будние дни… и обидно пропускать старт нового дополнения из-за работы. С ранним доступом я буду чувстсовать себя немного более равным с другими игроками, у которых больше времени.
    Thank you for a great video. I think that i will buy a early acces version because i must work during the week. So, with a early acces, i will feel myself more equal with the most of other players.
    Sorry for my mistakes.
    p.s. like for you !

  2. If you don’t agree with the business practice then don’t support it by giving Blizz your money. The more money they make from it the more likely that they will do this going forward.

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