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LEGACY – Jacob Lizotte
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What Y'ALL thinking of War Within PvP so far? Am I swimming in copium??
Dragonflight pvp was fucked because of too much cc and ministuns etc, in war within they add more and you say golden age 😅 we all got clickbaited and rage baited boys
retail pvp system is retarded, they shoud've never touched it after cataclysm
Pvp is crap, just like in the last 3/4 expansion
Rated blitz pvp will be great, until the q is an hour long for a bg.
I enjoy random Bgs but Issue I’ve seen is once you get into normal-heroic raiding or even mythic dungeons we have no further gear progression from casual BGs making it pointless
Ima miss the great vault </3 Got geared up way faster. Blizzard loves fuckin shit up.
So whats exactly the golden age here lol? xDDD
so gear wont matter with ranked battle grounds?
I appreciate your optimism, but I doubt it.
With the new hero talents being so imbalanced as well, I just don’t see things being remotely playable for most players.
It only adds more defensives, and if you are going against a spec with a great Hero Talent tree and you are bringing Trickster or Pack Leader- you’re finished
I don’t really understand why your first daily win in 2s/3s is lower than the subsequent wins.
I said it before will say it again what pvp needs is Resilience stats thats only on pvp gear ( "Resilience is a character attribute that reduces all damage taken from players and their pets or minions. This is the bread and butter PvP stat. " for the ppl that dont know what im talking about) the last good pvp age was cata, after that everything started to go down… No one talks about that and probably no one gets it how to fix wow pvp, its not a new BG or new arena or new gladiator exclusive mounts cuz no one will go thro that suffer of facing gladiators in low rating and boosters for that thing… What we need is exlusive PVP only stats or let the pvp slide into the abyss…
So I'm trying if not to lose it right now.. 1st if they think that 300 conquest will make up for a free piece of gear then they're mistaken. Conquest 1piece = 525-875 and we could only get 1300 conquest which is still crap but hey + free piece of gear with the grind = two piece four piece by week 2 then grind out the rest. No mention of what ever the equivalent would be with crafted / embellishments. Not including gems. 2 those weapons are gonna suck stat wise you'll want haste and guaranteed are gonna give you stats that you can't use = trash / disenchant. All the other stuff is great. 2 if any of it counts tword rating then no one will touch it. So the way I read it is them wanting more stat control so it's harder to mid max and doing it through a rather passive aggressive use of story telling. IE( no this'll be great you'll see then by week 3 you'll have a weapons that you'll have to sell and ultimately need to sell to get the ones they should have given in the first place. I got money says you'll have to spend conquest on crafted items taking even more out of pocket. Ultimately I'm glad they're trying stuff for PvP just don't take what little they've given us vs pve. I mean it's clear that PvP is an after thought. …"Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining." Mark my words by week 3 you're gonna have a ton of pissed off pvpers. Meanwhile pve'ers or sitting with smug face yet again. I might add I'm confused by the idea of how pve is the end game progress when all you do is run in a circle doing the same keys every week. And then thumb their nose at PvP when there is an infinite number of possibilities in PvP. If a reasonable over same equipment went into they highest level raid and followed the ques clear it no sweat. Pve to PvP same same most don't do it because every time you enter combat in PvP is like ever fight is a boss and you have to use your tool kit to it's entirety. Plus you have to customize your toon for the way you play not the other way around. 🤦🏽♂️
Even from a cost Bennifits sure PvE brings in more money, but that's where the money gets spent PvP generally gets 1new area every now and then. But the whole reason they do AWC is to obviously paint the picture that they're heavily invested in PvP cuz that's what sells to the new demographic. But, then they continue to design talent trees around boss fights not real world game play via PvP Moreover, Microsoft is trying to exert their influence in the game alwhile using blizzards platform due to them getting hacked on their streaming service Sooooo again I say "Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining." Guess we'll see lol
First alt friendly expac? Is that really true? for pvp ofc.
Jst add bots to random bgs like 30min q times to get into a losin game sucks
Sounds awesome, the rated bg is amazing, not playing vs teams is perfect
PvP golden age was when time to kill was faster and the only thing that made it longer was healers. Now with every classes defence and self healing /resets it’s nuts. Cloth classes are like the tanky classes now plate wearers die faster than every class damage near now without a healer supporting them. And they don’t do the most damage to make up for it! It use to be roles where range hit had but was squishy. Melee hit hard as hell! Yet could be kited by range if they were not careful. Range classes use to be in trouble when you closed the gap. Now they can just range you and still face tank range you while your in their face!! The golden age for pvp is long gone and has been for long time!! What we have left is just fun broken mini game mode 😢
Removing PvP gear from the vault is a great change. If I main mythic+ and like to have some change here and there by doing some PvP, there was no way in hell I would skip my main gear progression for some PvP gear instead…
your UI scaling reminds me of my very first settup in vanilla. ty.
i'll come back when they ban most if not all addons in pvp
So I wont be able to play as a tank for rated blitz ?
Are the issues with retail pvp it's bgs? Conquest gear? The great vault??? No…
Non of this addresses actual game play so what sudden "GOLDEN AGE" are you expecting? Want more.
I can’t even get into a bg on beta.. 1hr 40 min queue last night I gave up. Dueling feels awful everyone has ridiculous healing
ttk still way too long for my taste
Bro i think you need bigger casting bar 😀👌
I really dont understand why people complain about cc, selfhealing, micro cc etc. It makes everything more tactical and interesting! If there was none of this you would just die instantly everytime 😂😂
4:25. yeah but the conq boost is very small. We will have +700 conq OVER 10 Weeks (1 item over 10 weeks). They should boost the weekly cap ~50% to truely compansate, also we will have to play PVE for our sockets :S Idk why ppl so happy about this.
I think WoW needs a large frontier with Castle Siege play, similar to DAOC, with captureable and defendable Keeps.
I don't even know what the great vault is, and for the the 1st time in years it doesn't bother me.
Shadowlands killed wpvp and after that, solo shuffle wasn't much better. I can finally give up mythic raiding to go back to a full time pvp life with the new rbgs!!
I'm hoping wpvp comes back in a big way with the new incentives being added as well. See you all on the battlefields!!
Looking forward to some solo rated BG PvP action….!!!
It's an unbalanced pile of crap and it's going to take longer to gear with no vault access……sounds fun?😂
I dont think pvp is gonna be enjoyable. Everyone has tons of healing, tons of micro cc and mobility. And you have to spam like 50 lava bursts or other powerful spells to kill the target, it makes spells feel way less impactful. Basically it's the same as if you would be all time cs:go player and they just turned your favourite game into apex legend
You convinced your wife to play WoW and be your personal healer?
Best think about this, no full premade rbgs
i am very critical about the new pets added theyre usually buggy (esp destro pets etc)
I find the problem with retail PVP is usually the micro cc, nobody likes sitting in 20 second polys or saps, but arguably its more annoying to get hit with 15 different 1 second to 3 second interrupts every 2 seconds while playing. Now the problem is the micro stuff makes PVE more enjoyable being able to disrupt mobs and keep pulls large and quick. So until this problem is addressed i don't think rated PVP especially arena will be getting better. Maybe solo BGS don't make the problem as jarring since can spread out more etc. but 3v3/solo shuffle will still feel these effects heavily I think going into this new xpac. TWW is looking promising I just hope they can come up with something that doesn't kill arena.
I’m sad that hero talents will still be available in arenas
Yeah glad for vault change for PvP though, same for weapons.
How are you getting into bgs on beta? All I can do is solo shuffle 😭
The vault was extremely nice for gearing alts while focusing on my main, I just did 2 shuffles a week and they casually got conquest pieces. I think the removal is fine but the conquest increase doesn't actually make up for it at all. Your trading 10 rng pieces for a increase of 700 conquest 10 weeks in which isn't even enough to buy a single main set piece like helm chest or pants. Then to make it even weirder is they are removing the cap the next week anyways so at that point does the extra conquest even matter, it feels like they just wanted to nerf how fast people get gear and used this as an excuse to do so. The conquest cap would need to be increased by 200-300 per week, the initial 250 increase and then 50 more per week does not even remotely add up to anything meaningful.