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In an interview about the issues with healing, Blizzard all but admitted to being stuck between a rock and a hard place. Also, other news!

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No offense but the argument about not altering defensives because of ruining delve gameplay is a load of shit. Some classes literally don't have more than one DR (if that), and others like fire mages are basically defensive gods, and why? What about a fire mage class fantasy says "tanky"?. Some level of balancing has to happen or its going to continue being a problem regardless of health pool scaling.
13:08 blizz have already done abit towards that new boss in the raid will now display a differnt colour indicator if a mechanic is on you
It feels like RWF is just trying-to-not-die-to-oneshot-mechanics instead of not having enough DPS/healing, which imo should really be the challenge (appart from execution obviously)
Your know, one of the really crazy things about wow that I never really understood was the lack of reactivity from the dev team.
Players will tell you X is a serious issue, and you then wait until the next patch, or god forbid, next expansion to fix the issue. It's insane to me. It's like they want the players to leave.
Just make the defensive skills only available in delves… And just ramp up the difficulty in that. easy solution no?
I'd love to play healer if it wasn't as stressful or spiking in damage. Guess blizzard doesn't want me to.
What a horrible experience healing is when you needed to save someone prior to a big raid wide "heres the explosion part" encounter. and EVERY SINGLE ENCOUNTER IS LIKE THIS.
It's very simple. Dungeons and raids have an aura that reduces the effectiveness of defensive abilities. Perhaps have that disabled for tank spec or just tune around it. This way the defensives are still good for solo content while the content where a healer is 'required' actually has the healer doing their thing.
Nerf Shamans and Monks, the knockback and the bubble is too dominative.
The knockback should only be one feet, just enuff to cancel a spell or a mount up.
Bubbles should be interruptable.
I'm sure it's not as easy as it sounds, but why don't they just de-activate class defenses on Mythic?
Leave my Retribution Paladin defenses alone or I shall smite thee
I actually like where healing is atm seems im the only one…
We should just accept that better players in high m+ take less dmg because of skill. The topic about less skilled players would die instantly if defensives were nerfed is just a difficulty all players have to deal with. Get better. i guess
side note. does anyone know if there going to bring back Brawler's Guild? or stuff like that for peeps to do when not questing/raiding or mythics..
The "stops will no longer put spells on cd" change is the worst change ever suggested for M+, why blizz
The healer problem is not just a healer problem. This whole past expansion most of it I Played Boomy. It was the most unfun M+ I have had for a while I had to heal myself more than I could actually do DPS with the sheer amount of unavoidable damage going out. If you played or play a squishy class M+ is not fun. So the high damage overall is a problem for more than just the healers.
There they go again doubling down on bad decisions cuz the hardcore sweats have stockholmed themselves into liking it
remove woke infestation from the game!!!!
When MoP Remix ends and your OP character gets nerfed to oblivion… oof, that’s gonna suck.
Not a great time to be a healer.
Just redução some healers CD s and make a perfect rotation redução other, healers problem fix and u keep People trying Tô get better on gameplay
Drop mob dmg by some percetage, reduce defiensives effectiveness in raids and mythic dungeons by the same %. Pretty simple fix. Just add an "on entry" debuff.
i hope they aren't thinking about mythic raiding alone. such a buff would benefit little raidgroups for normal and hero progress aswell – to make everyone able to clear their own raid difficulty
Healing was good IMO in SL. DPS was taking a good amount of damage with some spikes but Priest could heal it well and didn't need to fill so much DPS in their free times. Shaman didn't feel too bad either. Wild idea, have devs that actually play and have a mob tuner next to them: Run down a hall in a dungeon, take damage, tune it. And keep doing this for a few hours with all healers. Like I don't know, test the game themselves? Have the devs playing DPS do good and bad. We need to take a slow but steady stream of damage, some spikes for healer to pop bigger CD but Devs need to start putting in work and now just having us play. I say this as I'm doing this VERY THING in UE5 now and have done it in RPGmaker. I have a hall of monsters, fight down it, turn stuff up. It takes time but it can be done. Until they start doing things like this, they will NEVER balance the game and players will always be getting a crappy experience.
Just make defensives scale inversely with group size, so you get strong defensives in solo, weaker in a 5-man, and weaker yet in raids. I don't see why this should be difficult. On way of doing it is to make your health pool scale upwards the bigger the group is, while defensives are measured in absolute numbers (not say % of healthpool). This would mean DPS can't and won't have to self-heal/mitigate as much in larger groups content, but they can in delves and solo. As a healer i hate it when I have to spend much of my time DPS, I want to heal, that's why I play healer. When I play DPS i want to focus on DPS, and pushing my panic buttons should be more like an exception.
Hey! Do you think is it possible that the players eventually "fall to darkness"? I could imagine a scenario where in the expansion Midnight we have to take out silvermoon and corrupt the sunwell and it would be the "champions of azeroth" that would take out key lore-characters like Thallysra or Lor'themar..
The easiest solution (but the one no one ever likes) is to have some way to separate the higher end so it doesn't affect the lower. Instead of affixes- maybe you could lose abilities (like individual defensives or self heals for dps do not work over a certain key level). You can not "balance" both ends of that spectrum. The last 20 years have proven it so, if you want to fix it- it will take a different approach.
The end game is the same spam low m+ keys and lfr and done for most of the player base.
Can’t they just buff defensive while in solo content and then nerf them in groups and raids
Did everyone just forget that they added back talent trees? One of the reasons talent trees exist is to give people options between what they need to prioritize for certain content. Couldn’t they just give a different defensive spell that really only works well for delves but doesn’t scale good enough for raids so that DPS don’t pick it?
The affixes in M+ suck ass for us casual players. Why not have the harder affixes take effect at the higher end of keys for those hardcore players. For example: have fortified & tyrannical take effect at keys 20+.
I stopped healing. I just wanted to heal, not dps.
70 in 90 minutes whaaaat!
So they didn't actually talk about the biggest WoW problems which are key depletion and runbacks after wipes.
In other words they didn't talk about anything substantial. They should fix what's keeping people from raiding and Mythic+ and essentially from coming back to the game.
Tasty tears from dorks crying about their class not having everything 😋
So many players don’t know that hitting a boss form behind is still important
Give the healers something else to heal besides just the raid, npc, fill a device that heals the raid for those almost one shot mechanics, exc
my hot take is the healer problem is not solvable with their design philosophy. when we moved from experience oriented to goal oriented gaming we sort of slowly destroyed the necessity for healers.
What happens when you design your game as an esport instead of an rpg, what is this shit talk about healers having nothing to do? it's only at the higher eschelons you can expect perfect play with defensive uses.
Ever done a 4 weekly dangans with an healer alt in a pug? If they have problem with good players using defensives too much and healers have nothing to heal, then add more rot damage that the healers have to heal up if that's such a concern.
Sorry, I just fume at these esport game design crap.
TWW is just more of the same and Delves, where are the new evergreen features for an RPG?
Not preordering
TWW exp, why do I read it "TeeWeeWee"