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The War Within – World Of Warcraft’s BEST Expansion Yet

This video is #sponsored by Blizzard ANZ!
Opt into the War Within Beta here –


00:00 – Intro
00:45 – World Soul Saga
00:57 – The War Within
01:45 – Sign Up For The Beta
02:52 – Kaz Algar
03:00 – Isle of Dorn
03:14 – Captial City Dorn Agarl
03:19 – Earthen Allied Race
03:55 – The Ringing Deeps
04:19 – Hallow Fall
04:40 – Azj Kahet
05:16 – Warbands
07:48 – Hero Talents
09:42 – Delves
11:49 – Dynamic Flying
12:49 – Opt In To The Beta

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  1. Vanilla thru Cataclysm were so much fun… I may even still play it today if they hadn't ruined it after that. The game itself is just so childish now… My NElf Druid has been dead for 10 years, and will stay that way.

  2. Not one for sponsored videos like this, especially if it's from blizzard, and having an honestly ass-kissing title like this for an expansion that's not out yet is a little disgusting. Given blizzard's track record over the last decade there's a sizable potential they fuck up any goodwill they seemed to have made with dragonflight.

    Going to be a thumbs down for me.

  3. You made a great presentation camel, thank you very much, I don't think anyone else has been as good at providing information at the upcoming expansion as you.

    I was a Vanilla closed beta player too, all the way up to BFA but the shadowlands trailer unsold me on World of Warcraft permanently.

    When people told me Dragon flight was going to be good, I said okay but I need to see how the whole expansion plays out before I commit to the one afterward. Not being impressed by dragonflight the same rule applies here I have to see how the war within plays out before thinking about pulling the trigger on the expansion afterward.

    I do hope you and other folks can have fun with it. If there's anything I'm not lacking these days it's games to play with limited time to do it in, so in retrospect I never feel like I'm missing out, I just wish that BFA and Shadowlands hadn't ruined a good thing for me. Sadly that flavor is soured now, at least where I'm concerned.

    Wish you the best!

  4. Ayy gettin that Blizz money, go get em Camel! Ignore the flack from people hating.
    Are they a great company? Nah- neither is EA but that's not gonna stop me from enjoying Jedi Survivor or Dead Space.

    Gotta take the good with the bad and if you can take good money from the bad? Well that's just gravy

  5. Gameplay and art might be cool. Shame that the story and lore has become so irredeemably bad, that nothing short of retconing several expansions out of existance will bring me back.

  6. I never played world of cartoon craft and never plan on it. I play played eso because its tes, I play for the lore and suffer through the mmo drama and non sense for tes, world of war craft is not tes or anything with an interesting story. If eso wasn’t tes I never would have played in the first place. But world of war craft is such an unappealing game you couldn’t pay me to play this shit.

  7. its about damn time my dude i was hoping you played this ive also played on and off since vanilla only wish i could play along with you im in the EU though

  8. As someone that's played WoW since it came out – If you've ever wanted to try WoW out but never had a chance, The War Within is the most primed and proper the game has ever been

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