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In this video, I talk about what you can expect when going to you’re first army duty station.
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How’s Fort Knox?
Brooo is the military finna pay to get my car there through shipping
Fort Reilly
I'm right now in the airport waiting for my last flight to my first duty station, after 16 weeks of horrible AIT that I had I hope things become better 🙁
Get there a week early. Check out the reple deple and listen to them. They will tell you the truth about your new assignment……especially overseas.
Just got my orders fort drum is my first duty station as a 12n
Anyone been or know anything about fort Stewart in GA in ait rn
Fort Campbell
Hey Aaron! Can you travel to seoul on your off days because I read that some places are off limits? Also are their curfews? In general how far are you allowed to travel. By the way your videos are by far the most informative. I appreciate you fam.
Heading to fort drum this week Thursday
When do you get to know what duty station your going… reservist here transfering to Active as an 11x.
Fort Carson
Aaron is currently a Command Sergeant Major. 😊
Fort drum
In this video I know that my 2nd duty station was in Fort Gordon and we were deployed to Fort Drum on a NATO exercise but the ARMY will always take care of all the troops and when I was in Korea and I got my orders to go to Fort Gordon in Augusta they told me what to expect so I didn't worry about anything even when I was going to Germany I still didn't worry what's the use worry about nothing and any branch of the military
Was in the reserves. 92F going into Active Duty as an 11X. Heading out to Moore ( Benning ) in a month. After that I hope I get a decent duty station haha
Great video
What is fort Stewart like
Going to Ft Bliss w me luck
I was at Drum in 2nd BCT. 4/31 Inf. Polar Bears!!!!!!1 The unit was cool but I had to hurry back to Fort Bragg, NC I mean now it's Ft. Liberty, NC
Ya I'm going to fort drum as my first duty station
I just completed MEPS, ill be going to FT Leonard Wood for basic and AIT then ill be stationed at FT Drum
Well said. #GoArmy!🎉
Just found out im going to fort hood, feeling bummed haven’t heard ANYTHING good about that place only bad things.
We got the same duty station
I wanted to go to jump school after AIT then they said I would be a hold over and go to Korea I said no thanks I'll go to Germany
Shipping out for basic training on September 18 got the same mos 68echo 🦾💯
11B infantryman sniper
Fort Hood, now Fort Cavazos is my first duty station im about to finish up AIT
I’m going to camp Humphreys in South Korea for my first duty station. Last place I expected to go but never the less pretty dam cool. I’m married and my wife is going with me so it will definitely be a wild experience as it’s my first time out of the country let alone living out of the country
I"ve already been in for almost three years (Guard) but, I'm looking to try and transfer to Active Duty. Given my MOS (74D), I'm hoping to go OCONUS to Korea where a lot of my AIT buddies are currently at. I know the chance is probably slim, but everyone I've talked to who has been stationed there have loved it.
I’m hoping Germany
I’m going to Hawaii (25th Infant Division, 3rd BCT) For my first duty station… Any tips or anything that could help me know what to expect from it?
I will be leaving on the 31st of this month, after bct i will be in korea. Very Excited for it.
Camp Carroll
I came to fort carson, co and i had no sponsor so i had to figure shit out alone crazy !!! Also i have no car that is crazy shit !!
Going to Alaska wainwright
When your stationed can you buy a car ? I wanna buy my hellcat killer back when I get out of training
Currently in processing at fort hood 🫡