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How To Roleplay a Human in World of Warcraft | RP Guide

Here is a full guide on how to get started with your human and how to set everything up. Main focus is on the lore and the human background. Any feedback is appreciated.
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  1. i don't know if i'll be able to roleplay properly, but if i would roleplay, i would be like a human warrior who wanted to be an adventurer since his young life ue to histories about friendship and descobery, but now he is kinda met with the reality of how azeroth current situation doesn't allow any place to be safe, he still loves to explore and help people, but he is overwhelmed with all the chaos and his current state as a "hero" to the people he managed to help

  2. I think an argument could be made for hunter as well since humans have always been carnivores and could be viewed as destructive to nature yet still have strong connections to their pets. Maybe from a WOW lore perspective not as much as spell casters.

  3. I rp Loardaeron Paladin. Like my thought about horde races.
    Orcs: This bastards invaded peaceful kingdoms and escaped out our good made gulags we must destroy filthy invaders.
    Undead : Die filthy scum for Uther i'll burn ur eyes out with power of Light.
    Trolls: This ones helped orcs during a third war i don't really hate them but horde is enemy.
    Tauren: Only one race that have a honour and my respect in horde.
    Blood elves : YOU TRAITORS Alliance was ur friend and Garithos was not a king of Alliance to order u but you betrayed your only friends who saved ur asses a couple of times and also how the hell they are using the Light its the alliance fitch.
    Goblins: I really don't care they are like our Gnomes but their inventions are crappy they are greed as hell and (obviously) they are green.

  4. Are you kidding me? You really think people need a video on how to roleplay the fucking race that we all are? Jesus christ. Fuck this channel, and fuck you.

  5. Someday, i just want to make this super racist human that hates everything that doesn’t appear remotely human, including some of the races in his own faction including worgen and pandaren, viewing them as nothing more than animals that think they can pass as sentient beings.

  6. Meanwhile in an Alien spaceship:
    Random Alien. Commander Commander, what are we gonna do now?
    C. If we dont want to bomb the entire Planet away, we need to infiltrate them…but we dont even know how the human society is working…
    Random Alien. I know a Video on youtube where the human society gets explained, maybe we should try to act like that…
    C. Thats a good idea, lets do it right now…
    Then somewhere on the Planet:
    Random human. Hey how are you?
    Alien. FOR THE ALLIANCE!!! DEATH TO ALL ORCS!!! You know i'm one of the aggressive warrior humans…do you wanna hear my backstory?

  7. I have a question:
    My backstory is that I'm from the Redridge Mountains and I'm basically just a adventurer (it's my first time roleplaying). My backstory will be my adventures and of course I'll try to not be the "special snowflake" because that sucks. My character is sometimes a bit of a coward and impulsive. The name's Zaralar. So my question(s):
    Is that stupid/bad? I'd have some better ideas but that's just the coolest in my opinion.
    Regarding the Redridge Mountains:
    Involvement in the third war?
    Story or informations?

  8. I started a warlock human on Moon Guard roll play server and a friend was online so he also made a human but he picked paladin so we did a whole backstory where my father left me to die when the horde invaded so I went down a dark path and when o went back to kill my father I saw him with another woman and a child (my half brother)

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