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[World of Warcraft] What Hardcore Raiding Is

A brief review of what top WoW guilds do in order to stay on top.

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  1. 5 days with one buddy irl (bgs), took me more then a month to recover from that and i would never do it again. But we created some awesome scenario's: wsg holding the flag demanding everyone on the entrance of the roof (EVERYONE) and ambush the shit out of allie's that come trhough (this was when there wasnt a time limit in bgs, tbc)

  2. Kerafyrm wasnt a raidboss. You weren't supposed to kill it. Only heard of one guild clearing it ever and they got banned for bugging it out on a bridge or something

  3. You're silly. There's progression, yes. But there's always preparation before the patch hits, leveling alts (lots of them), then there's farming new stuff that comes with the raid content, then there's progression, then there are farm raids (lots of them). If you don't do that, you might very well be benched and replaced by a more "dedicated" player. So don't give me that BS about "casual raiding after progression".

  4. You're pathetic. When you're in a hardcore raiding guild you raid new content at the maximum capacity until you've killed everything, and then you basically raid less than your average joe casual raiding guild. Most hardcore raiders have very successful jobs and just take time off of work to raid new content.

  5. Who the fuck said anything about hard raids? Hardcore raiding is VERY difficult, but not because of the content of the raids, but because it is really hard to raid for literally 25+ hours straight. Which ALL top progression guilds do. Things become disorganized, people miss stupid stuff, rotations are horrific and not to mention the emotional tension between the people you've spent all this time with.

  6. Hard raids in wow? That's pretty funny, wow has never been hard ever. Congrats to all of you not old enough to remember eq1 raiding back in early 2000 when raiding was actually a challenge. Vex thal, elemental planes, sleepers tomb etc. learn your history kids wow wasn't the be all and end all, it was the start of easy mode raiding.

  7. Raiding is silly easy, it is simply lack of experience for most players. And i don't mean a step by step guide to be memorized; no, that is not experience. I am talking about long time, gaming experience in general, and mmo experience. Being an exceptional raider is being able to view the encounter as a whole, to be aware of everything around your character, and to learn what I like to call a 1 minute time-zone. Always prepare for what is to come in a 1 min time span.

  8. back when I used to play in vanilla, I played in a hardcore AQ40/naxx guild. the raiding schedules were atrocious back then, we raided 6 days a week (mon-sat), 10+ hours per day just raiding, and in the time that was left over, it was used to farm consumables for raiding. sometimes we raided for over 20 hours on progress bosses in naxx, which was really exhausting and not to mention unhealthy, but yeah, at the time it was what I wanted to do, and I don't regret it, but I'd never do it again.

  9. Not only. I'm not saying entertainment is bad. I, too, play this game. I love it. But i also spend my time on sports, work, family, eating (on time, not once a day) healthy food etc etc. You know how it is, too much of anything can be bad. I think playing 10 hours a day is too much.

  10. what hardcore raiding is hmmmm lets see its not about how many hours you playing for nope its not about that its all about zoning into the game forgetting you have a wife or a kid or that you have to eat or that its 4am you need to go to work but you dont care your a hardcore raider right yea you are making a change in the world of warcraft lol hardcore raider pls no such thing hardcore raiding is more like ignoring real life events

  11. I know you weren't, I was referring to the overall general hate that hardcores get nowadays. A player in a top guild may be the nicest, most helpful person in the world, and he'll get trashed just because he's considered "hardcore".

  12. Was not judging anyone. Just saying that a lot of people who might have been good enough to compete or at least be decent will never get the chance due to the schedule requirements. If you are top, you need to gear alts etc and get everything possible. If you aren't top, you nee much more time if you want any progression. This makes the game completely not enjoyable for anyone who is good and wants to play well, but cannot commit to such extremes.

  13. Most players in hardcore schedules use their vacation time for progression. Keep in mind, that once they down the content, their schedules scale back immensely and raid less than most people when they are on farm. And with sponsorships and streaming, youtube videos now, the players in top guilds can actually make a living off of doing this. Besides, nobody is worthy of judging anybody. In an online game, people take stabs at each other for everything. And people who judge are compensating.

  14. There is nothing hardcore in a game like WoW it is a watered down, solo friendly, ez-mode version of EQ vanillia (with a bit of DaOC) thrown in, increasingly aimed at kids.

  15. So will you be happy telling yourself that you lived your life "the right way", i.e. how everyone around you thinks it should be done? Bought a house with white picket fence, married, spawned bunch of kids, earned your gold watch at some useless deadend accounting job? And now all that's left is sit in the park and feed pigeons.

  16. Creating something. Games = entertainment = not useful, something that should get the least attention. If they were creating the game, writing scripts, creating game models etc. that would be great, that's creating. They're not creating anything. They're pure consumers. Like animals. Are they animals? Nope, they're human beings, intellectually developed beings. Now tell me, why do they need their intellect for? I guess only for spell damage and crit 🙂

  17. We're talking about hardcore raiders, not me. Again, you want to send you my CV as well? I guess not. So stay on the subject. IF someone can eat more than anyone else in the world, he's the best at eating stuff, but would you call that something useful and to be really proud of? I don't think so. But these hardcores don't even eat well, that's if they don't have a slave (a.k.a. mom) that's making them something to eat.

  18. I thought we were talking about hardcore raiders, not me? You want me to send you my CV? Please stay on the subject. If most people are useless (or so you think), that must mean that it's ok to be useless? Let's all play wow and not care about anything, cause hey, everyone's a useless bastard.

  19. They are the best at what they do in the world. Not many people can say that, I doubt you can say you're the top percent of something in the world.

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