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Shadowlands FAST Catchup Guide – Best Practices – World of Warcraft

We’re 8 weeks into Shadowlands now, and today I have a guide to help take advantage of the built in catchup to get you up and running with your fellow mates as soon as possible.
Then I guess you can play the game.

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  1. we need a video like "how to unlock Azeroth". Just talking about how to get to the "real world versions" of each zone. We could also use some type of chrome explanation video that explains what all the different phases are and why you might find yourself in one, and how to get out.

    eg. I log into the game and someone wants to run a legion raid, but I can't because I've not started legion, and im not in the real legion world. or same for shadowlands. or BFA. etc.

  2. Wait so i just pvp to catch up in power? Big sigh of relief as i was in the maw,hit tier 5 jailer then proceeded to log off as i couldn鈥檛 leave venari without dying lol

  3. I hate the maw. It鈥檚 the worst zone ever. But I have to keep working it to get my crafters mark. Otherwise I鈥檇 leave it alone. Korthia is much more likeable.

  4. Its so complicated just to have fun lol. Totally destroyed WoW for me all these systems and progressions….. that you need a video to explain it all.

  5. I tuned ino the vid to see if anything had changed with shadowlands, judging by the spaghetti mess of level cap gearing wow is still more of a job than my 9-5 and sounds unclear and confused. I'm really disappointed.

  6. PVP definitely wasn't fast for me, I have an expansion average win rate of ZERO percent lol. OBLITERATERED in the graveyard over and over and over until the kitty is bored of playing with its prey and finally snaps the neck.

  7. So the last two weeks I haven鈥檛 been able to play. I鈥檓 at level 28 renown so obviously I have done the campaign. right now max is 32 I think. What is the best way for me to catch up to 32 before reset?

  8. If you have the quest for each zone and leveled through dungeons do not drop those once you are 60 as you are able to still complete those and receive a renown level. There will be points where you are a level lower and not able to progress your story therefore this is where these come in handy and you can complete these then to advance the story line.

  9. While not the most efficient use of anima, you can upgrade all of your covenant gear to ilvl 197 at rank 7. Just wanted to share another method of filling in any low ilvl slots that you may be missing!

  10. Threads of fate, keep in mind if you pick up the quest to go to a zone an start questing their than do that quest. Go back to the guy in the big city and pick another zone. You can do this to start questing in every zone and than run random dungeons or just focus on whatever world quests in whatever zone you like.

  11. My computer crashed. Thru long list of nightmare including late shipping, to incompatible monster, failed internet. Etc etc. so now I鈥檓 two weeks behind. Thank you for this video. It helps alot

  12. There is more to War Mode than pvp and xp gain. WM also increases your quest rewards and those add up. I started on a pvp server back in BC and soon discovered pvp was something I preferred to avoid. I got better at avoiding and never bothered to transfer. The occasional gank is not enough incentive for me to play WM OFF. When I'm blocked by campers I log to another alt.

  13. What I prefer to get gear fast to my alts is to complete the covenants quests…and Timewalking if available. The covenant quest can be done in a few days, letting you upgrade your gear to ilvl 190-197 but save anima for that. Heroics should be farmed for trinkets, neck, weapon, rings. At the end of your covenant, I think they give u a good weapon ilvl184 I think.

  14. Leveling up your covenant armor can be decent too. You can buy a few 190 items for just 100 anima, hell you鈥檙e given it for free during the story quest.

    Mix and match with pvp gear such as trinkets and weapons and you鈥檙e set.

  15. Waste of your time and other people's time if you gear a 140ilvl alt thru pvp, you will be letting your team down by being one shot or simply not doing any damage making it impossible to win bg's or arena. I've leveled my enhancement shaman to 60 yesterday, bought 170 boe's for around 15k gold total, went straight to mythic 0 dungeons, did all of them by the end of the day and i was ilvl 184 after completing all 8 dungeons. As i have curve on my main, I made my own raid group inviting only 10/10n people, cleared the whole raid in less than 3 hours and i'm currently at 190ilvl. That is around 8 hours of game time after turning my char to level 60. Now I will do some m+ till around +6 and I will probably raid lead a heroic raid by the end of week, so expecting to be 200ilvl+ only after 4-5 days after turning char to 60

  16. 13 minute video on something that could be summed up as

    Easiest way to get to 190 item level is to finish your campaign quests after (or parallel to) that
    1. Do pvp

    2. Go to mythic dungeons and then mythic+ dungeons when you can

  17. Am I stuck at Renown 18 on my alt this week?
    I turned in my weeklys already and went from 7 to 18.
    No callings or WQs show renown as a reward, should I dungeon run or am I capped?

  18. I really enjoyed your video and how you take the leveling as a thing to be enjoyed! A lot of other players absolutely despise leveling but I'm glad you made it point to tell people to calm down and enjoy the experience. It is an RPG after all!

  19. I got back after 1 month and got my renown to max without turnin the weekly quests last. Got my last renown level from M+ and before that, the last campaign chapter

  20. I don't know if someone still say "Nothing much to do in shadowlands" I mean i'd prefer sleeping than doing torghast or the maw, but there are a lot of things to do still. btw good video.

  21. fastest way for me to level is, when arriving at oribos you should choose doing storyline till you have item level gear 80+
    after that, just spam dungeon till 60 ^^

  22. you forgot the renown campaign gear set. you can upgrade that to 197, too and its way cheaper to upgrade those pieces for those that really dont want to pvp. you can just fill the missing slots then with doing daily bg and epic bg wins for honor and upgrade them and youll reach full 197 very fast + darkmoon cards are super cheap now and though some are not that great, its still easy ilvl and gives huge amounts of mainstat. i lvld my priest 3 days ago and only playing solo and not capping arena im now at 191 about to upgrade another renown piece to 197.

  23. Covenant armor sets can be upgraded to iLv 197, so you can totally gear up just by doing covenant stuff and gathering anima. That's what I like to do. I play with a friend who likes to push mythic dungeon keys for loot, gearing up the old-fashioned way. He's currently at 200. I'm at 198. I've also got 3 alts (one for each covenant) at 180+ in the same time though. So basically, do what you like doing.

  24. Ive leveled 3 alts through threads of fate and 1 through the story line. I dont think im ever going to level storyline again i got to 60 while half way through ardenweald and still working on revendreth. But with threads of fate you just get to 60 doing what ever and then you can start dojng covenant stuff.

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