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EA Sports UFC – Bruce Lee VS Jose Aldo (Professional Difficulty) | CenterStrain01

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EA Sports UFC – Bruce Lee VS Jose Aldo (Professional Difficulty) | CenterStrain01


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  1. Soo….why does the Bruce Lee vs Jose Aldo Featherweight Championship have blocked comments? I'm getting a bad feeling from the 2,000,000+ view count and the relatively high dislike

  2. I practice Jeet Kune Do and sometimes I think to myself, would bruce Lee dominate in UFC? I train under a reputable instructor who trained under Ted lucay lucay, Paul vunak, and Dan inosanto. He believes that bruce Lee wouldn't have fared so well. His main targets were they eyes, throat, groin,etc. He was all about dirty fighting. down and dirty. He was all about self defense, realistic fighting. take that away and he'd still be a beast but susceptible like any other human being. Take someone like bas rutten for example. in the street. he'll fight for his life, dirty with gouges and his famous palm strike, he'll win. Put him in a cage, win some, lose some. MMA fights are good in the fact it's like hardcore sparring and helps you "hone" your skills. Would bruce Lee and Chuck Norris have done well in MMA? I like to think so sometimes but I'm not really sure. Who knows at this point. we'll never.

  3. I am trully suprised by the amount of people writing statements about how Bruce would rape any MMA fighter while having almost no knowledge about modern fighting.

    I do realize you people have grew up watching Bruce Lee movies and need to have somebody which you idealize … but seriously this is just sad.

    Worst part is – most of you wont even take a minute to think about it but will furiously defend your "hero's" unmatched speed, streanght and skill staying blind to any arguments.

  4. bruce lee could take a coin out of your hand without you mentioning, he used a 300 pound heavy bag filled with metal because the regular 150 pound bags didnt last a day, he was able to catch rice out of the air with chop sticks, he once dislocated a guys shoulder by slapping him and sent people flying through the air by kicking their guts, he did 50 two fingered push ups like it wasnt a big thing, in his street fight days non of his opponents was even able to punch him and once when he trained witch chuck norris his wife brought them lemonade and told them to relax so he stopped workout sat on the ground and did sit ups to relax, and if that isnt enough yet he could knock over a fully grown man with a punch from one inch away and invented a body core exercise called dragon flag which is considered one of the most difficult core exercises ever and he personally liked watching TV in this position …
    now tell me how the hell should one of these MMA guys challenge him longer than 30 seconds ?

  5. in a real fight Bruce Lee would destroy Jose Aldo. MMA is a complete and efficient system of martial arts, despite I prefer Kung Fu than MMA. Kung Fu is not a crap as many people think about it. Kung Fu is a complete and efficient system of martial arts too. you bring it all together: Kung Fu, chinese boxing, shuai Jiao( called chinese judo) and Chin Na( a submission chinese martial art) and you get the real kung fu. you are complete like a MMA fighter.

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