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Feral Druid **Tips and Tricks** [World of Warcraft: Patch 4.3 PvP]

Okay, so Its about time I made a video that might actually be helpful. So here is a guide filled with tips and tricks that can help a new feral learn some of the more basic maneuvers he can pull off, but may not know about. This guide isn’t going to give you super secrets tricks to get to gladiator, its really just for beginners who need a hand learning how to handle themselves in a player vs player situation.

This guide doesn’t talk about talents, or glyphs, but is moreso focused around proper spell usage and situation.

Be sure to check out the other videos on my channel! Like and subscribe to see more content, new videos every week. Thanks for watching!!

There will be a Part 2 coming soon! Part 2 will be more about tactics vs specific classes and arena comps, so look out for that!

Thanks to Xarayn for helping me with some of the footage. Check out his channel at youtube/xxboonejuicexx

Check out my livestream at I stream whenever I do RBGs, which is mostly on weekends around 11 EST, so check it out then!

I’m looking for people to play random BGs/arena with! If you want a chance to be in one of my videos then send me a PM on youtube, or message me in game.

Follow me on Twitter @MrScootNoob for all my latest video updates!
Music: Escape – Mt Eden Dubstep

Thanks for watching!!!!!!!!

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  1. Hi. Just started playing Cata on the Twinstar – Apollo 2 server. The short guide that you made is comprehensive and helpful especially for me that has never played feral in cataclysm. Thanks a lot.

  2. Hey man, could you please tell me what addons you use? I am mostly interested in the target bar you have in the centre which shows the bleeds with seconds left and combo points.聽

  3. hey very impressive video man…i have prob watched about 20+ feral montages and ur vid stuck out so here i am commenting…also i noticed ur recordings are very smooth are u sing fraps and ur wow video settings on low? Also r ya using sony vegas? I am in the process of making my own feral montages (I dont suck i got 2k with my druid) and the hardest classes to beat were hunters and rogues(dueled 2.6k rated rogue and hunter) so any tips on them would be much appreciated cheers! -crycloned

  4. Bind your A and D to strafe, hold down your right mouse button and practice doing circles around a pole/dummy. I generally only use A,D and my mouse buttons to move. I hold both down to go forward, and if Im circling a target I strafe with A and D and circle around them by moving my mouse in the opposite direction.

  5. Do you mean the Shadowmeld + stealth + charge + pounce combo? Just practice it in some duels and youll get the hang of it. Its actually really simple to pull off.

  6. Yea I know that, just worded it weird by saying "uses trinket and/or glove enchant". When you use one the other goes on CD, so the macro will just use whichever isnt on CD. Added annotation for clarity thanks.

  7. Nice video. Just so you know you can't use the glove tinker and an on-use trinket at the same time. One of them is put on a 10-15 second cool down so they can't be used at once.

  8. Awesome video (just subscribed). I found it very helpful. If you can, post feral random BGs. Those are fun to watch. Preferably with commentary. If not, random music works too.

  9. Great video! Im gearing my girlfriends boomkin for feral pvp. And as someone who has only seriously pvp'd as a rogue, feral versatility is amazing. Decent heals if done properly, great cc, awesome ability to survive..having a if shifting only still broke roots..

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