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HUGE News For Flying, Crafting Orders, China’s RWF For Cash, M+ Overhaul! Warcraft Weekly

This was a HUGE week of news for World of Warcraft! It’s opening back up in China and they want to make a BIG splash in The War Within! Lots of updates there too with the M+ affix overhaul and clarifications on crafting orders and flying!

Coffee With Soul
830AM Tuesday through Thursday

0:00 Intro
2:05 WoW relaunches in China
4:24 War Within Pathfinder explained
6:48 War Within Map icon changes
12:01 NPC Crafting Orders updates
14:30 New M+ Affix demonstration

World of Warcraft and World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is developed by Blizzard Entertainment. Check them out or sign up to play for FREE up to level 20!

#warcraft #dragonflight #thewarwithin

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  1. People need to chill the fork out over something that hasn't even happened yet. Its datamined crap that isn't the real thing. I'm tired of seeing every wow streamer lose their shit over this.

  2. Although I don't pay a ton of attention to the load screen, I have to admit I pulled up a long video of the DF loading screen and music way back when it began because I really loved the music. Thus far for TWW I'm nooooot quite feeling that yet. I think that's more about music though really, not so much the loading screen. Not losing my mind over the loading screen.

  3. I'm not sure what the stats are on dragon riding, but they should buff the early stages.
    If someone is whining and pining for OS flying, they probably don't have enough tokens to make the new flight palatable

  4. I like the really harsh death timer. Dungeons are gonna be a lot more consistent with this system as I understand it. Dying to a mechanic you've seen and are running at a 7 means you need to learn a mechanic

  5. Question: What's with the little drama mask icon? I think it showed up when you were talking about events – spotted one in Eastern Kingdom s when you were looking for teleports

  6. I loved the bit on the login Screen. The same people who complain about this will make stupid comments about Blizz using Dev time for pointless things…

  7. it isn't yen it is yuan renminbi, both however use the same simble but for clarification the chinase symbol usually has CN in front of their sign. i think the only reason they didn't in this case is because it is China specific.

  8. Who gets upset about a login screen that they see for a maximum of 15 seconds? I could see if the hub city was hideous but come on. WoW players just like to cry about shit.

  9. I play the game a ton and this is the first I'm hearing of the login screen thing. Think the news cycle is it's own beast and isn't that important 😛

  10. The log in screen could be a black screen with reconnect on it for all I care. You rarely see it any more and so theres really no reason for it to be super fancy like it used to. Even in the old days where you had to type your UN/PW to log in you saw the screen for less than 20seconds. yeah it was cool the first few times, but it was whatever after that

  11. Blizzard should just take the easy W and avoid the unnecessary L that is locking Static Flying behind the Pathfinder achievement. I prefer Skyriding and IMO it is better in basically every scenario so for me it doesn't matter. Static Flying being unlocked with Skyriding would not harm any players and only benefit those that it is causing a problem for. I find it weird that so many people are arguing against a change that has 0 affect on them but would benefit others. It's like me saying no to some PvP change because I don't PvP so they should be misearble.

  12. As a potentially returning player that is very skeptical about the Microsoft aquisition, this speaks volumes…. WOW used to be fun… now it's not anymore. It used to get love and special care in small places and doesn't anymore. Corners and getting cut and it's rounded off…. like an old bolt. I like how Valheim has a nice login screen, I like a lot of games that don't develope in reverse and lower standards every patch. Thank God for the summer steam sale. It literally took .05 seconds to find somewhere to spend my money.

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