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Midsummer Ends, Easy Addon For Mass Farming! Your Weekly Dragonflight Guide #84

It’s a light week which gives you plenty of opportunity to work towards completing your goals before The War Within launches! Here’s an addon to help easily move around potentially valuable BoE gear!

WardrobeTools addon

Coffee With Soul
830AM Tuesday through Thursday

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  1. That transmog addon looks great! Right now I'm using a set of rules and actions in ArkInventory, but it seems to only trigger for grey items, so I end up doing it manually for most things. I'm tired of waiting for them to fix it, though, so I think now's a good time to move over to that instead.

  2. I usually try to level without flying, cause Blizz always puts so much detail into zones. I like to appreciate their work, and also it's way more immersive to quest that way. Leveling DF that way was such a great experience, especially since the zones are so big!

  3. oh wow! that Wardrobe tool looks awesome, I usually dont even bother to send BoE gear to my other characters cuz its just so overwhelming but that sounds like it would make it a lot easier

  4. Still haven't gotten the armor. My husband and my friend did, both on their first tries. I also defeated the Brewfest boss every single day and did not get that armor drop, either. I wish it was a currency or gold buy instead. It feels worse being the only unlucky one, imo.

  5. After doing Ahune kills every day, my husband and I got our armor drops on Sunday and Monday, respectively. Feels a lot less stressful than previous holidays as we’re altoholics and either spend lots of time running the holiday bosses or get hit with FOMO anxiety.

  6. I've also started my great transmog hunt, leaving anything BoP on the bosses. Lot of greens have been dropping I didn't have appearances for or might be good on the AH. Did Zul'farrak, Razorfen Downs and Razorfen Kraul. Thinking of BFA dungeons tomorrow.

  7. Thanks for the video, im still in remix leveling about 58 alts (ill have 15 of each armor type, and at least 1 of each class and race) I also got Deathfrost Illusion, a Cloak and the Manuscript from Ahune.

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