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The Story of Anduin Lothar (World of Warcraft Lore)

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  1. Teneras? rofl come on man you're better than that Bell…

    EDIT: Ok now you fucking say "Turoolyan" instead of Turalyon? Good lord man I'm glad this is from 4 years ago and that you actually studied up and learned your shit because this is flat out embarrassing… I've never been a WOW historian but I could have done a better job than this a few months after I started playing WC3.

    I'm glad you grew into the person/channel you are now at least, so great job!

  2. I was 4 yrs old when I saw lothar die. The ogres ambushed him but I couldnt type the invicibility cheat code fast enough, because I was 4. RIP Lothar. He was a man who fought for what he bleeved in until the end.

  3. I remember Anduin Lothar. He was an extremely good elite Stormwind Knight commander than nearly won the war for the alliance, before he was killed in a battle with the orcs. He was deemed a hero until he was later resurrected as a death knight to serve the horde… if memory serves.
    Edit: I should watch the whole video before commenting…

  4. id like to watch more of your lore videos, but i have a hard time finding them all because you have so many videos. can you make a playlist or something with just lore videos or something? also i thought Cho'Gall was ultimately the one who activated garona halforcen to kill the king.

  5. Hi Bellular, Love your videos, just wanted to say that it IS known how Anduin Lothar dies, in the book Tides of Darkness, after Lothar escapes from Stormwind, In the battle in the Burning Steppes near Blackrock mountain, where Doomhammer decided to make his last stand after losing to the Alliance at Capital City (aka. Lordaeron's capital, recently Undercity), Both Doomhammer and Lothar square off, and this is where Lothar is killed by a massive blow from the Doomhammer to the head after it shatters his blade. This is also where Turalyon finally loses all doubt in himself and defeats Doomhammer by striking him with the hilt of Lothar's shattered blade knocking Doomhammer out.

  6. They picked an AMAZING actor to play Lothar!!  (Travis Fimmel from the Vikings series)
    I am even more excited (if possible) for this movie to come out in March 2016!!

  7. How about a Video about WOTLK. Imo they would have made Azjol Nerub into a Raid but they didn't in Favour of a Naxxramas Revamp.

    What do you think?

    just a comment in the most recent vid. I know that it does have nothing to do with the video itself.

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