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EA Sports UFC 3 Review – The Best MMA Game Ever

WhatCulture’s very own Adam Wilbourn takes to the stage to review EA Sports UFC 3. Why him? Because the four of us here on the Gaming Channel known naff-all about sports.

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  1. Actually finished the career mode yesterday for the first time after not touching it for years for fears of it being convoluted and messy but it's actually really straightforward and a lot of fun. I retired undefeated as a double champ. It was on easy all the way through, but there is a MAJOR difficulty spike when you get to the title fights, so I still had to restart fights a few times. This is definitely WAY better than UFC4

  2. Game is low key trash not worse than 4 but the takedown defense and offense is ass and so is the movement. UFC 2 maybe your best bet but overall EA UFC games are kinda bad to play.

  3. This game is actually good if you don't like the microtransactions just stay away from the Ultimate Team mode I do. Plus the DLC fighter Bruce Lee he's unlockable in the game via completing the awesome career mode on any difficulty mode. And UFC 4 looks to be just as good you can transfer your CaF from this game over to 4, the career mode is getting an overhaul especially with the new relationship system, and like before the DLC fighters Anthony Jordan, and Tyson Fury can be unlocked in-game though you have to beat the career mode on Legendary Mode just to get them. And for those of you whining like babies about microtransactions being in UFC 4 it's been revealed the microtransactions will be restricted to cosmetic items, and that the Ultimate Team mode is thankfully being cut from UFC 4. Plus I'm willing to admit while I hate the Madden and Fifa games I'll admit the UFC games are decent, plus Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order, and Mass Effect: Andromeda were good games.

  4. for someone who hated UFC 2 And Loved UFC 1 And past THQ Ufc games. UFC 3 To me is more about what I Loved and it doesnt feel slow. like the 2nd one did. it feels fast and furious. ive gotten knockouts and i am actually haveing fun. w it. it makes me wish EA Would make Another DEF Jam game. and another fightnight. All though i do have to say this is the best MMA Game ive played since EA MMA On xbox360. allthough. im late to the party. just geting this after christmas I Wish the create a fighter Had more options in the facial Hair department. and Hair department. But other that that my gripes are Min at best i agree w the 4/half stars

  5. More like the worst mma game ever. If u think it's realistic that u can land over 130 strikes per round u r not a sports fan at all. If you think this game looks better than UFC 2 your blind. The AI does not lose any stamina at all whatsoever for some reason. There is like 20 to 30 less moves than in UFC 2, there is no way at all that someone could be rocked 10 to 15 times in one round and still be fighting. This is absolutely the most unrealistic game for mma ever made I would say. Online is so awful that I went from winning fights 10 to 1 in UFC and being really good (not to brag) to loosing half he matches to someone who spams so hard with jabs that I don't even get a chance To hit back. This review is like he never played the game

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