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  1. I think one of the biggest flaws of icefury/Frostshock for many people is the animation. It feels not worth to press because it does not look/sound worth to press. I like the change, but it is still weird to put it into the rotation. Easy change would be like 0.5 shorter global, or reduce the damage and put it completly off global like warriors back in the Wotlk.

    Then Stormbringer should be able to profit from Stormkeeper. It feels akward to activate the CD and then having my insta lightning replaced by a cast.

    There are a few things wchich could be done better. But overall, for me it's a step forward.

  2. I like a lot of the Ele Class changes/improvements we got, but must still say that i dislike Ascendance. I Feel like Ascendance needs 2 be a Choice note where u can decide if u want 2 Trun into Fire or Storm "Ascendance". Right now i feel like a lighning build with Ascendance just feels weird. Everything i do improves my Nature Dmg, but my Big CD turns my Important AOE Builder into Fire…. i dunno

  3. Can we just acknowledge that in the first 3 seconds of the video you sounded like a murloc? Love your content, but man speak english!! Slow down haha <3

  4. I feel like they didn't nerf maelstrom generation hard enough. Too many globals spent on es/eb, eq. I'd rather have them hit hard once in a while than take up a third of my globals.

  5. i wish we got a lightning ascendence as well, i like lightning builds more than fire. that plus many of the new lightning talents are broken or do work at all

  6. They should've named the alternate EQ to Epicenter Quake, and make it attach with the target. Just like damage aura surrounding the target. Imagine Shadow priest's Mind Sear, but not channeled.

  7. as an ele main i hated casted icefury. i like how they changed icefury to flow better with frost shock. so many amazing talents theyve changed

  8. what i wouldnt give for passive spirit wolves summon, reduction in terms of button bloat and ovverall damage buff and actual totem viability. maybe with the totems increase the range and roll a few abilities into one. idk but 2/3 of the ideas i proposed would be more then adequate. but overall make us deal damage again.

  9. Does the improved ascendance with haste buff work with DRE? So saying you proc DRE it's duration is +3s and gets the haste buff? Or just for the CD?

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