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Delves in the War Within are Kinda…

Blizzard has released a new Beta Experience for World of Warcraft, featuring these new Solo Dungeons called Delves. I got to test out some of these features and played a few rounds on my Beta character and boy do I have some opinions to share with y’all. But what do you think about these solo dungeons in a multiplayer game? Is this Blizzard giving up on the multiplayer aspect of the game or are they actually trying new things to keep their playerbase from jumping back to Final Fantasy again?

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  1. delves are an illusion to string along solo world quest people delves only give up to m+6 loot and they dont count toward your io score.

    no real m+ player would care to do delves.

  2. I feel like Nixxiom is just not the target audience for Delves… the type of people who power level with paid addons like Zygor are usually not the same type of people who like to RP walk through the cities and take stuff in and just enjoy the universe and game. People like that are the ones who are going to enjoy Delves, to be honest if it were not for Delves I would be just going back to playing ESO as I am tired of dealing with the community of the game to do end game content. I like being in the same world as other people without having to depend on them to be able to play the content.

  3. I’m looking forward to turning Delves and Professions into a progression system for an army of characters.

    I will probably not be bothered by the repetition since most of WoW is some sort of repetition anyway. It’s just a matter of what kind of repetition you enjoy.

  4. Most of the WoW player base are fedora wearing, Redditer type, dunning-Krueger afflicted, insufferable, politically correct, trouble making, leftists. The game has to have single player options to survive a community like that.

    You cannot build a game that requires real people to group with soyjacks and blue hairs and other communists.

  5. Problem with torghast was never variety but the fact it had no decent gear rewards (yeah crappy pets and mogs really don't matter much for most players). If delves have no decent – AND I MEAN REALLY DECENT – gear rewards the whole thing'll die in a weak. If you drop gear doing delves then it'll be fine.

    I.E. Dungeons are the same repetitive content, but you "get payed" for time spent there. That's why people do dungeons.

  6. So. What about gear? I mean. Something I've noticed from wow. Is that when some mechanic doesn't give end game gear it's left behind really fast. I mean there are reslly cool mechanics in the game that would do great if only it would help you keep up with the people that do raid and play with them.

  7. The big difference between Delves and Torghast is that the later was mandatory and you had to put a lot of work into it. From what I remember, there wasn't a lot of variety early on (I played during the first patch but didn't return for any other patch after that until Dragonflight) so you had to replay the same areas over and over.

    Delves are different in that you don't NEED to do them. A player can completely ignore them and they won't miss out on anything in terms of power. There's quite a bit of variety between them aesthetically and mechanically.

    I don't think they're going to be revolutionary because they're similar to the content we already have. They're very similar to the Delves from ESO, they're mini dungeons that you run into and can solo if you want too. I'm sure they'll be a success so long as player expectation is managed. I really want to see more of these in the future.

  8. Something that could make delves awesome would be if you could bring an alt. Just imagine your dwarf paladin tank for your human mage, or your void elf warlock dpsing for your gnome discipline priest. You could get some cool combinations, and you could maybe really see a focus on the new warband system. FOR THE ALLIANCE!!!

  9. people play these games to…
    advance their characters…
    that means…gear!
    granted i only an the first couple…
    but nothing dropped…
    i mean, are they trying to tank
    their own idea?

  10. Ok, how is this so different from dungeons? If anything, there's more than 5 or 6. I have been in a few guilds and they are never as active as they said they are. Other than a couple reliable friends, I'm usually stuck playing alone. I'm looking forward to delves.

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