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Pointless Top 10: Public Transportation in World of Warcraft

Pointless Top 10 Public Transportation in WoW



About WoWcrendor

Professional nerd, mediocre comedian and expert non-content creator.

Pointless Top 10: Public Transportation in WoW | WoWcrendor


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  1. You could have included the boat that used to go from the Forgotten Shore in Feralas to Feathermoon Stronghold. It's the most important ship ever!! But maybe it was removed to Cata?

  2. I became well-acquainted with The Orb of Translocation linking The Ruins of Lordaeron (the area above the Undercity) and Silvermoon City, as well as The Thundercaller, the zeppelin linking Orgrimmar and Tirisfal Glades (the area near the Undercity).
    …so I'ld choose those as my favourites. Mostly The Thundercaller.

  3. Fun Fact: One of my earliest WoW memories is of a Night Elf Druid. I was told to take a ship to Stormwind but I misread the quest as take a ship from Stormwind, and thus ended up on The Kracken, figuring that was what they meant. I ended up looking around Northrend for a while before finding an iceberg in the ocean, and so out of curiosity I swam over to it and hung out with a bunch of penguins until I accidentally hit one with a spell and it killed me.

    And that's how my Level 8 N.Elf druid died to a level 1 Penguin critter.

  4. That zeppelin that flies around in Howling Fjord over the pirates ships is for a quest. You run it once and then it becomes a daily to bomb the pirate ships below it.

  5. To me the best boat ride at the time was the Alliance boat from Menethil Harbour to Howling Fjord in wotlk, it was such an amazing introduction to the continent of Northrend, the way you navigate through the canyon only to find yourself self overshadowed by Utgarde Keep. I remember bouncing in my seat the first time I saw it know that I had a whole expansion ahead of me.

  6. The Howling Fjord zeppelin actually belongs to a goblin who the Alliance imprisoned lol
    They use the zeppelin for a daily where you bomb the pirate ships that you see below.

  7. quickest way to Rachet for alliance is a teleporter at the alliance shrine added in 4..3, 10g a teleport and much quicker then flying to booty bay from SW

    Plus with legion as a alliance if the Inn near by all the portals in Dalaran is your hearth location then taking a portal to shrine ports you right next to the teleporter making a even quicker trip to rachet.

  8. #10, the boat between Darnassus and Exodar is indeed quite pointless since there is a two-way portal between Darnassus and Exodar in the cities themselves.  As for #7, the Zep that flies around Howling Fjord… as Horde, that's why you don't understand… that's an Alliance DAILY QUEST… if you're horde you can't see the quest, but that's a daily Alliance quest.

  9. there isnt a boat that goes to darkshore anymore. also no one using the boat form azuremyst to the tree expect horde who are raiding the exodar. Alliance have a portal now to jump back and forth between the 2

  10. Most important zeppelin to me has always been the one that takes you from Orgrimmar to Brill/UC and back. My first ever character was an undead and I always enjoyed the undead starting zone the most, which is why I took that zeppelin many times to visit Orgrimmar and get back.

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