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My pick for the 10 strongest mortals in World of Warcraft. By mortals I’m talking about characters that aren’t on a god level but are still strong, not by the true definition of ‘mortal’.
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– Content
In this video I cover top 10 strongest mortals in World of Warcraft. As I covered 10 strongest characters in the previous video, in this one I talk about characters that aren’t on a level of a god but are still extremely powerful. Do keep in mind that I didn’t include certain almost retconed characters like Me’dan and characters like Broxigar as I already covered him in the top 10 Heroes. Feel free to leave your own top 10 strongest mortals in the comment section below.
All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. – I am not the owner of any of the art shown in the videos. All artworks belong to their rightful owners. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I’d be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at
Just wanted to clarify that by Mortals I mean characters that are on a level closer to us. In my other video I covered the strongest characters talking about all the god-like beings and cosmic powers. So I thought that in this one I would talk about characters not on that level but still very powerful. Also keep in mind that this list is very loose and the order itself doesn't matter that much. Get lower PING and increase performance with NoPING:
Gul'dan isnt beating the Lich King lol
Li Shan at #1….. no way hahaha was easy af to kill XD
You say mortals and then 10 and 9 are immortals…and so were 7, 2 and 1. Dude look what mortals actually mean before you make a list
Wait wait wait. Medivh, The Lich King, Malfurion, and Illidan are practically immoral. They lived for centuries. Maybe you should change the heading.
Where kael thas?
How its possible theres no Broxigar????
See kids and waifus take note from Aegwynn if she had no baby and did not sex around and get pregnant she would be more powerful and would live one more reason not to have kids after all tbh you gain nothing from kids, only stress and not be thankful And you focus your live and waste your life all for the kiddos.
Number 1+ : The Player Character
Lei Shen v Azshara though
Aegwyn was insane.
What about Cenarius, Xavious and other dragon aspects? They are mortal but extremely powerful. Right?
But… I thought that night elves are immortals… soooo
The Malfurion we know now acts like he has suffered a serious stroke. I don't think he could wipe his own ass anymore. I used to be a big fan of him, but they ruined that character. I would take Illidan over him hands down. Malfurion is just a little bitch now. If you want to know how to ruin a character, just ask Blizzard. They would have better off if Malfurion went down with Teldrassil.
In my opinion as I can remember
Is grom hellscream the strongest mortal he just killed cenarius the demigod and 1 hit cleave manoroth and probably would clean arthas easly
Illidan îs number 9 what? What is now in a 1 vs 1 versus sargeras what
I'd put the LK at 1 with the new Shadowlands lore, although Lei shen makes for a good opponent
More like MorronsDovies
Illidan is about as mortal as Kil'Jaden lol!
I really didn't know that Malfurion and Illidan are brothers
ik this is old, but Lich King wasnt an immortal. Lich King is Ner'Zhul, not Arthas, but only and only Ner'Zhul. Hes a spirit bound to armor, how the fuck is he mortal? lol.
Aegwynn is my favorite Avatar
I played only world of warcraft 1-3 and i thought illidan would be in top 3 at least. Lol
"TOP 10 stronger cha-"
"Remember that if a character is higher than another one on the list, that doesn't necessarily mean that he is much stronger"
Then why the fuck you make a "TOP 10 mortal strongest CHARACTERS" instead a "10 mortal strongest characters"
My list:
1.Lei Shen
2.Queen Azshara(Naga)
3.Tyrande(Elunes Avathar)
4.Sylvanas(Jailer Empowerd)
5.The Lich King
8.Ilidan Stormrage
9.Malfurion Stormrage
10.AU Gul'Dan
I like that we are just ignoreing thrall like he did not kill a evil demon dragon that shook the earth with a few Kamehameha blasts
My list:
1.Lei Shen
3.Medivh(With Guardian power)
4.Aegwynn(With Guardian Power)
5.Sylvanas(Jailer power)
6.Arthas(Lich King)
7.Ner Zhul(Lich King)
8.Bolvar(Lich King)
9.Ilidan Stormrage
10.Malfurion Stormrage
11.AU Gul'Dan
This video is so quick bait
Nr. 10 galakrond…. wait.. let me check the title.. top 10mortals. Yea ok u literally fucked up the first thing u started with. He was one of the first fucking dragons but yea ok boi
Arthas is the man. Fuck the rest.
I didn't know that Azshara was a mortal.
You mean like mortal as they can be killed but can live forever?
If so it would appropriate to point that out at the start of the video
Illidan would be top 1 if he becomes a light forger