Riot invited me to have an early look at Aurora! Also got to test her a bit, so the footage you see here is definitely going to be unique!
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0:00 Aurora Preview, Role, Background etc.
0:50 Aurora Abilities explained + tooltips
6:30 Aurora Gameplay, Items, Runes etc.
Clarification as to how Aurora's Passive heals – by RiotRayYonggi
"When she uses passive on champions, she exorcises a spirit from them, which follows her and heals her for a short duration.
The more spirits, the more healing and movement speed she gains."
So they actually made a retarded champ😂
BBL Drizzy
Was lethal tempo removed for this moment?
一個角色而已花七年= =
Aurora jungle xd
Dunno if any1 already commented on this (algorithm doesnt show me any comments on this for a long while.
But does Ruunans apply her 3 hit passives?
hey i have more question on Aurora
1) can she be a jungler since she has alot of movement speed and mobility
2) is she really reliable in team fights because of the high cooldowns and somewhat low damage
3) will there be tweaking of the ap ratios any time soon because they seem kinda low LOL
so its a glorified Lillia Bard Ahri Vayne Fizz Hwei (kinda Graves) Camille Zoe Thresh and Mordekaiser mashup? Lit, another innovative and fun-to-play-against champion!
It was Orn who gave her that tp ultimate not riot
When Ekko, Shaco, Morde, Graves and Kayne gangbanged on Xayah, this was the result
The arena is so op wtf literaly impossible to counter nor dodge
The Rule is: If can be on top and mid It can be on Bot Lane as well
Do we really need representation for autism in a character? sounds a bit forced to me tbh
3-hit passives are the disease of this game
we need more fighters fr, with how many poke, mage, and mage tanks they are adding if you play a fighter now it just feels like a huge disadvantage.
even if you try to ban for it there are just so many and they just keep adding more
3 hit passive that deal % Max HP (THANKS GOD NOT TRUE DMG) and morbilion dashes/speedboosts, including resets.
In short, another canser champion.
Mage vayne mixed with xayah and gnar
Riots best trolling moment yet.
200 year movement will happen again
i already figured, that you couldnt get out of bounds with her ult
but what about going into walls?
say one end is inside the wall and you walk into the opposite end
would you get pushe dback as if it was OoB or accross the wall to end ult duration early?
or maybe opposite side but pushed inside the ult?
because people play games to experience diversity..
i fucking hate this new meta
give her a character im fine with that
give her a neat story.. even better
"DiVeRSitY".. fucking annoyed by this world lately..
ty for the video vandiril
It’s like Zoe 2.0
was the autism thing a joke or not?
chat, is this real?
OMG MORE DASHES??!!?! I love riot😍
this looks MISERABLE to play against!!!! why does Riot keep making champs that feel like BS to play against??
Somehow she’s both overloaded and boring at the same time
What partt of this kit took 7 years to make? LOL
ahh, good, another champ with 7 dashes, stealth, %hp damage, and 1m aoe.
and i think when they said theyve been working on aurora for 7 years, they were using the same math as when they said they have 200 year of game design experience.
I think there is enough autism in league already tbh
She might be viable in support
Зайченцето бяло, а лигата майката си е ебало…
lets take camille ultimate but you dont need vision to cast and you can aoe it on 5 players and you get 4 untargetable dashes and you slow everyone and you get bonus stats and you can oneshot people. Riot games 2024…
Riot trying not to add max hp damage, ability reset, unstoppable and hyper mobility to a mage challenge. Impossible
Knowing riot, next patch her invisibility will turn to stealth and her damage scalling will half
AP Talon Deluxe ? You cannot tell me she is not just a better Talon
shit gonna be nerfed soon
I think autism is already represented enough by the playerbase, didnt need a champ for that 🙂
i uninstalled and I dont regret
aoe camille ult that also has built-in mobility for the caster is an odd choice.
I always wonder if 1 target can be hit by the same skill multiple times in specific situation.
If her Q recast run back to her and it hits all the enemy on the way. Then when she in her R, she recast her Q, the Q recast will try to run back to her, and then she immediately travel back and forth at the end of the area, will the Q recast move back and forth, hit the the same enemy multiple times?