Aurora = Bunny Lillia
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co-edited by: @enderrider
I’m part of the official League
Partner Program with Riot. You can read about the program here:
Aurora is the newest addition to the League of Legends furry roster. Do you want to be an annoying guy who jumps around like Shaco all the time while having the same movement speed as Lillia AND who can Camille ult the entire enemy team? Well, then Aurora is your champion. And I’m gonna show you how to play her with @Vandiril , @Necrit and @Terenas
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hope you enjoyed the video :))))
#Leagueoflegends #aurora #Memes #League #Dumbs #exe
I too have acoustism
Yet another reason for Gnar W rework
She looks more like a Genshin impact character than Gwen does lmao
what's the bgm at the start?
Could be more furry (crucify me I do not care), her gameplay is… ohgod please no, riot what have you DONE.
I will play her with flickerblades and full attackspeed tho cuz %maxhealthdamage is a) always funny and b) infinite W. And movespeed. Ill make the rift unsafe with her because she will just be obnoxious to deal with
Ahh time to visit rule34 again
1:46 what's this meme called? I need it.
this champ is literaly a quinn on ap-steroids.
This seems unbalanced toxic people are gonna be happy with this one 😂
Blatantly over powered unless numerically useless.
Short range is still larger range than most top laners so she will be top/jungle if she isn't strong enough for mid vs high ranged champs.
She seems like she will be abused vs melee matchups.
She has everything in her kit to make a marksmen style champion in bot lane too, if she was to replace a bot laner that would be something that could happen since she practically FORCES wombo combos with her R.
I since she is going to be pick or ban in pro play regardless of her kits numbers because her R will just break so many teamfights because it FORCES bad positions and prevents kiting so you just lose vs juggernauts if she pushes R on your team.
I expect she will need to be numerically trash and useless and fodder healing for aatrox/ww style champs or she will just ruin the entire game all game long.
She has too much mobility AND she has stealth AND she has range making her have 0 counterplay if she is numerically too strong ever.
AND YOU ARE TRASH ON HER. But thats okay, she has 3 paragraph long text boxes on her moves and its aram.
I expect her main build to be full tank or ad crit like sylas or something. Because riot keeps making ap mages not viable AS ap mages.
Expect her to go sundered sky and infinite edge then appear behind you and bop you for 500 ad then qq and do 1k magic damage then W away or push R. Then w away. or just somehow kill your entire team…..
But she will be perma banned for like 9 months so.
I love her gameplay style, but her design looks taken straight out of a chinese gatcha game
Am i doing a mistake for thinking that this champ is gonna be super overpowered in team fights and crushing both bot laners and mid laners?
Can she get yasuo ulted while airborne from using ult?
Man when is my boy smolder gonna get a buff or something because he hard loses every fight against every adc in a one v one
As an Autist I speak for a chunk of the community (the chuck who hate all things invisible and dash based gameplay) We don't claim her!
I can accept mobility but then you add Kled Q movement, a TWO SECOND invis that can go over walls, AND combine Thresh and Camille ult but make the 'downside' MORE mobility too, I just can't accept all that on someone who has a 3 hit Lillia passive!
Lord forgive me, but those thighs don't lie
R = jing honor of king versão lol
Imagine her getting a bunny suit skin
Watch me build electrocute and nashors tooth and execute an adc late game with three autos
I already see some tech to try with her. Q a minion wave, ult your laner, teleport behind them dragging all the re-casted Q's through.
another designed champ for homosexuals and the Chinese
2k4 base hp at lvl 18 is not low bruv. Many bruiser is 2k4 base hp
Se fate attenzione notate il Sett Terenas
delete this before it lays eggs
Dudes second wife 💀
She has many similarities with my ex: ginger, autistic, likes green, wears glasses
Suomi mainittu. Torilla tavataan.
autism doesn't mean anything any more, everyone is on the spectrum, every day the spectrum grows wider to entirely devour things that weren't considered autistic, why did they feel the need to try and worm it in there? are we going to come up with new words to describe what autistic used to mean? so bizarre, can't wait for the r34 of her.
Remove this disgusting shit
this character is gonna be so much fun
why is she sexualized
She should come to WR
Waiting for R45.
There is currently like 4 viable adc champs in solo queue, and they release another broken, annoying to play against ap carry.
still could have been worse, like sylas worse, now imagine sylas with her ult, we're all beyond fucked
So im just going to go ahead and put Lilia, Neeko and Aurora in the same category. I'll call them the Female BDSM Vastayas because you are being punished by them but you dont know why.
Another missed oportunity to make actually
interesting design instead of cheap horny FF XIV wannabe…