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✔LoL Analyst Dobby
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〃Check out the builds of Quinn
〃Coaching Waitlist Application
Ima be honest this dobby guys is so smart and looking at his coaching application form this guy knows how to do business. godspeed brother.
I perfer tank Quinn honestly well main two starting items collector into Infinity edge into the hp ad convesion item and heart steal with optional 5th item and the same boots… running pta and tank runes
this is awesome is the build the same for top lane?
played it got 41 kills in 26 mins did 3 pentas one game and i was spawn camping enemies
U forgot quinn can solo push like 2 lanes at once due to her insane ms
idk but i feel like this is baus
Yeah ngl this looks completely worthless, even in the showcased games it isn't doing well.
I hate this game
Post something abt Leblanc one of these days please <3
@Lol Dobby Is it too late for another Yasuo Guide Since Lethal Tempo Is Removed
Lethality Quinn mid has been a thing for yonks by loyal quinn players. No shit the recall change would make this a strat. Im jusy happy mid quinn is getting put on metrics for mid now.
Please don't hunt low level adc, what did they ever do to you?!?!?
Okay but that Ez flash at 5:21 was beyond disgusting.
I'm trying this in ranked. For top lane do I use the same runes and masteries even if I'm going Botrk and Kraken?
But Kayn isn't allowed to use profane during q….
I called it. I knew mid Quinn would be a thing now
Solid build any different in the jungle?
Ohh, so that why I’ve seen so many Quinns lately. Luckily for me I’m still using the stupid AP Nasus build. Spamming E on first time Quinns is pretty fun.
Why doesnt this quinn Auto when in R and then do the e combo???????????????? extra auto lost
6:39 damn that hydra was fire
Remember baus.