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The AP Nasus Boom Is Here

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  1. It's nice and all but a toplaner with a little bit of knowledge will absolutely bully the shit out of this. Plus it doesn't scale that well into late like traditional Nasus.

  2. There also a few things to add

    +You can go Rylai and slow everything, your ult now will also slow everything nearby

    +Your ult can also be use to rush push turret since it reduce Q cooldown

  3. Nasus W is the single most dog shit ability to ever exist. Word can not describe how 1 sided it is to press 1 button and render an enemy champion completely useless just for being "close"

  4. Idk why you'd ever go top with this. Mid is far more degenerate gameplay wise. Comet+Scorch lets you poke all the mages with 0 sustain and you actually have better waveclear than a lot of them at level 5. Also, even with very little stacks you can burn something like flash post 6 by just Withering a Syndra who misses her E since she's probably already at like half health already.

  5. no matter how worthless nasus is in general, he needs a rework, a rework that will not include his w in his new kit. You could be finishing up their nexus, 100% win, it's over, still the most cancerous thing in the game to be slowed for 5 secs just because some dog pointed at you and clicked.

  6. so ap nasus is becoming meta again? I got flamed for it this season even if I alrdy played ap nasus several seasons ago and got to diamond with him, now ppl gonna accept it? most ppl are such meta sheeps

    ty for highlighting his strength btw! but bit too late for me, cuz I alrdy quit the game, anyways gl and hf to everyone still playing

  7. So many people tried this "new Nasus" build and went 1-7 in their laning phase and were utterly useless in teamfights because they are squishy and can only poke. So sad.

  8. Played against that and here is what I learned:
    Nasus before blackfireT garbage. You just bait his E or trade HP where you always win the trade as nasus is scale champ and his early is weak;
    Nasus with blackfireT annoying for 2-3 lvl (usually its 9-11 lvl). He can't do anything really just push and roam or stay. You just push wave and look for roam always. Ap nasus does not deal dmg to turrets at 9-11 lvl.
    Laning phase ends, ap nasus in teamfights is garbage hence you win game easily. It just takes time as he can oneshot wave with one E when has blackfireT.

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