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The Skarner Struggle – New Rework AD Skarner Jungle Gameplay – League of Legends Off meta

The struggle to win with League of Legen’ds newest Rework, Skarner, and the rough adapting from the speed demon Crystal Skarner to slow as molasses Rock Skarner.

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I had thought a lot of the “slowness” I felt when playing on PBE was because of the lag since I’m not anywhere near the NA PBE servers, but now that he’s live here on EUW… It’s becoming apparent what’s REALLY slow here.
The New Rework Skarner takes a long time to do anything, with a pause on picking up his rock on Q, a pause before you can throw the Q, another pause to your movement as you throw the Q, a slow startup to your E that does not benefit from movement speed, in direct contrast to your R that would love some movement speed, and of course yet another pause on your Ult’s cast time. Originally on PBE, the W had a pause, too!
Still after many games of weird matchmaking and low-experience play on a new champion, I think I’ve finally started to crack Skarner with items my way, rather than jumping onto the sad current meta… Top Skarner with max W and Comet spam… Wow, what a tank juggernaut. Bravo, Phreak!

The video opens with some lamenting about Skarner since another Old Skarner Main happened to enter the chat when this match begun, so that’s why we’re quite “complaint” heavy right out the gate. As you hear, throughout the match, you can see plenty of positivity and optimism shining through, but not without a buff wishlist.
Please, please, don’t give him a minor stat buff in a hotfix and call it a day…

Skarner Lethal Tempo (Don’t do this)

Lethal Tempo
Legend: Tenacity (Or Alacrity)
Last Stand

Secondary can be whatever. Ultimate Hunter, Conditioning + Overgrowth, whatever you like, really.

Stream music is by Gamechops –
Outro music –

#Skarner #rework #leagueoflegends

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  1. you must try AP Skarner top. Arcane comet. Scorch. Manalfow band. Minion Dematerializer 2 ranged 1 canon. build Rod of Ages into liandry's torment. then go riftmaker, void staff or death cap. can also go Maligance for Grill scarer. (R and stand still)

  2. im so upset at the skarner rework. his kit is so off putting and clunky now i hate it. his q and his e feel are literally the worst feeling abilities i have had to use in the game.

  3. New Skarner in addition to being slow also punishes not optimizing how you use the abilities. For example, the first clear can be done by 3:10 with proper ability use, but it takes 30 seconds longer by autopiloting.
    Knowing when to stop aa-ing and let the passive kill camps, holding Q from one camp to the next, hitting 2 camps with W, using E at max range, properly aa resetting with Q, these things make him feel SO MUCH smoother

  4. I gotta say this rework has in total been extremely lack luster. I'm on the discord I'm on the reddit taking advice from all these people who are adamant that the rework is good and I cannot see it. Sure he does fine in top lane but it's a unintended gimmick that is carrying him and the win rate even there isn't all that stellar. In jungle which is supposed to be his man role you just feel so anemic and slow. Constantly having to stop to pick up a rock to do reasonable damage just lose the target because they are already faster is insane. Which by the way the damage on q falls off hard late game because skarner is so sluggish that getting it off in a team fight is almost impossible with how often you are just focused with cc. So really what is the point at the end of the day for the self cc when it doesn't scale at all. So you can be strong level 1-5? E is practically a worthless ability to anyone already competent at the game because it's so telegraphed. So instantly cced to stop it on top of it doing no damage unless you wall slam. So you are left holding it till you are on top of someone or it's a wasted ability. Using it to go over terrain is a absolute waste unless they are standing next to it or if your trying to escape because of how short it is and the telegraph for the enemy. I don't how many times I've also pressed e next to someone assuming i'll grab them just to stop dead in my tracks from the self slow just for the enemy to side step. This is ignoring certain characters like Taric who's cc comes a second or so after cast so if you grab him he instantly frees himself. Ult is kinda trash too at this point. Doesn't do damage unless you build ap (lel). Supression is so short you can barely carry them anywhere meaningful. It's only use to skarner is to setup a point blank e into a wall. Then what press q and wait while the enemy walks or just dashes away. God forbid you actually ult a target and have teammates near by and they 95% of the time just ignore the fact you have someone and just run away or ignore your target further wasting the ability. I just really REALLY hate this rework it's just been trash and you can call me bad I don't really care. I think people saying it's a good rework are on copium at this point. If you see someone lock in skarner jungle just counter pick as jax, warwick, yi, bel'veth, ect ect since any character that can ignore third q auto just wins against him automatically.

  5. funnily enough He's an amazing support, Q harass and slow, easy engage and disengage. I also noticed how great Hail of blades feels.
    also tank just FEELS SO MUCH BETTER then trying the ad/bruiser/juggernaut builds, Zeke's is an AMAZING item cause your ult holds them inside of it.
    Jungle feels like his worst role right now, seems like another swain rework where he's gunna end up going everywhere for a bit then end up in support or top

  6. the Q and the R are definetly my biggest gripes, I hadn't noticed how slow he was but that's probably because why go fast when you can just go through a wall. If his Q didn't stop your movement to channel it it think it would be ok, Ive been playing him top and early lvls it kinda obliterates people with the 3rd hit (like 1 trade lvl 1 is 1/4 their health with 3 autos). the ult not being able to flip around feel weird and it also just seems to leave people awkwardly far away from you when it finishes, like just out of melee range where if you don't have your W up, it can sometimes be hard to actually do much after it ends so maybe if they made it drag people more on top of you rather then lag behind like they do now it would feel a bit better because i felt like that was half the bonus of the old ult spin around was putting them in a spot where you could follow up afterwards. still not a bad rework, but I really thought that the old passive was the primary thing that needed to be changed and the rest of the old kit felt fine

  7. The thing that's stuck out to me is that they removed Skarner's MS and gave them the E, but the E itself seems really slow to me. It seems like it gets up to an okay speed but by that point you don't have much distance left in your E to actually do anything with, and that seems like a bit of a turn off to me. I understand the idea of them being more capable of holding people down with his rock and his W, but just getting there seems to be such a laborious task

  8. been playing a lot of skarner top rushing Titanic, against someone you can brawl you just win early cause of his W and big rock, the passive is brutal too. even in bad match-ups you can run scorch/mana flow secondary enables you to play like fat Taliyah with the poke, been having a ton of fun with him like that

  9. His E is my favorite Ability. When you get through its so satisfying and a guaranteed kill on a gank. Sadly you are very easily interrupted by so many abilities. Other than that I love that his Q is a large slowing projectile now to potentially catch someone who is escaping. They butchered his Ultimate though. I don’t want the old point and click back, but pls make it a bit more threatening. I mean why is the hitbox like a cone, when his tails should be able to extend much wider. Also if you can’t turn around they just dash away right when its over.

  10. My opinion is meaningless as I never played skarner once before rework, but he just feels like a weaker version of any other character, for instance I play tahm kench jungle quite a bit, and tahm can basically do everything skarner does, but he is better at it, can keep champions out of a fight longer, can move them farther, save teammates more often, do more damage, tank more. it just feels like skarner has no real place being a tank rn, which makes his health scaling all the more disappointing.

  11. Don't know if you have tried it, but I've been loving to play skarner full lethality with hail of blade

    Only item that isn't lethality is titanic hydra due to the auto reset and a bit more survivability, it one shots squishies and does pretty decent damage to tankier targets, I also don't like to run him with flash and prefer ghost, if I need to run I have a slow with W and mobility with E

  12. bro they completely butchered his kit, i am so sad. I literally uninstalled for the final time because he sucks so much.
    I keep looking at his wr and its beraly getting any better overtime. It got from like 36% to 39%. But the pickrate is getting only lower and lower overtime, meaning that very few people actually want to play him rn. I guess after the honeymoon phase is done, people will drop him like a dirty sock to a dusty bedroom corner and never pick him up again……unless Riot reworks him again, which im certain that they'll do.

  13. I'm just playing him top cuz I don't like jungling…and the biggest struggle for me is that people are pick/banning him every game for some reason.
    I haven't really seen him do all that well overall, and yet, everyone wants their grubby hands on or away from him!
    Like come on guys, you didn't care about him one bit before, now you're acting like he's some insane cheat code!

  14. I took Skarner into practice game just to read abilities / test etc. 100% agree.. He just feels too slow for my liking.. The three hits on his Q feel boring.. His W is a one time burst? I was reading it as a continuous damage like a mini bamis cinder, but it's not. 🙁 His E not having damage unless the wall hit, is lame. :/

  15. If liandrys gave some extra ability haste, that would be quite amazing, especially the fact taht it does amazing damage, while amplifying the already existing percent health dmg ofskarner.

    Also maybe phase rush or predator skarner would be somewhat more playable?

    Phase rush would be nice with ult,
    predator whilest nerfed would still help somewhat in closing gaps to e them behind.

    I also just wished his abilities would just INTERACT with each other more.
    Like his e was PERFECT for taking enemies over walls after ulting.
    Q and w just exist in a vacuum basicly.

  16. 4:45
    Deadly Spite:
    Skarner stabs his stingers infront of himself, dealing magic damage, slowing and applying quake stack on them.(cooldown Stack of 3)
    Upon a target being hit 3 times or is max Quaked they will be surpressed.
    Recast during surpression: launch VIctim in a direction, hitting a wall deals more magic damage, stuns the target and consumes Vibrations stacks dealing left over damage overtime.

  17. I did a little testing in the practice tool and came up with some ideas. The first was Q1, Q2, recast for a faster third hit. The secondn thing that I found was that he can most likely get away with some insane invades because he can just slide through a wall as long as nobody is blocking him. The third thing that I wound is that he can keep his E ready to push someone back as long as he's behind them and there was a nice combo between E and ult. I tried making a terrible build with Dead man's plate and trinity force and hardly did any damage with it. I may do some testing in real games later.

  18. 4:20 which is worse actually since his kit fails to really combine with it all that much.

    Malzahar R(to lazy to research the name): Tether yourself to an enemy opponent crippiling them and slowing them the further they go from you until the tether breaks, which the slow will stay for an additional 1.5 seconds.
    for aslong as Malzahar is terthered he is also slown and gains a Recast during the duration:
    Voidant terrain, summon a gap into the void, dealing magic damage overtime and enhacing your abilities if casted on it:
    Q: Width is increased, the waves now knock enemies into the middle.
    W: voidlings become voidborns, growing larger with more health, damage and ability to launch at any marked target crippling them on hit.
    E: damage ovetime increased on cast and upon being on the void terrain, upone death it spread to every enemy around it, but is unaffected by voidant terrain enhancement..

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