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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:
– Overview
In this video I talk about the trolls up from their creation up to World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth!
All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. – I am not the owner of any of the art shown in the videos. All artworks belong to their rightful owners. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I’d be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at
trolls evolved naturally into humanoids from dinosaurs
So the Trolls were not "enginered" by the Titans, like Humans, Gnomes and Dwarfs?
They also evolved to spread toxic comments on the Internet.
you forget about the Nagas
Not sure if it counts but they also influenced the evolution of goblins but I think you covered that somewhere else 🙂
Return to monke
I guess you could call them "darkspear thralls"
do you mind if i use your video for my reddit about trolls in wow?
This is original. Elves are Trolls basically. Instead of Fairies. They are my favorite Race. And i love this fresh origin, for my boys and girls. The Elves and their legacy.
Dark Trolls could be a potential Allied Race.
Dark Trolls, Forever. But Forest Trolls, i consider them Heroes, they fought against the rest, of the Black Empire.
Rip Zuljin
Taaaaz dingo
Been trying to find a civilizations in Age of Empires 2 or 3 so that i can make a scenario like world of warcraft
I did not know trolls where the bluprint for aztecs and mayan culutres.
Darkspear is best
WoW is not full of Elves, is full of Trolls
I'm pretty sure trolls would see Godzilla as like the King of the wild gods considering he's like a force of nature, and would worship him
Ice trolls?
Troll is my favorite race in Azeroth, best looks, best pose, and great talking lol
I love your videos doron!
I wish blizzard made trolls look more muscleer
Where did you find the map shown at 3:42? The partially in between the super continent and the shattered continents?
Wrong! Elves only were capable of wielding powerful magics after stealing from the Loa named Zanza, stealing his tomes and creating a compendium called the Arcanum. Also, obviously not smarter then trolls, seeing how trolls know not to build their homes in a glorified treehouse.
Taz Dingo!
Doron, you forgot the farraki in tanaris, which is a stones throw from ahn' qiraj. So 4 tribes, they are included in the council of elders in throne of thunder afterall
You’d think because the Night Elves are related to trolls they’d have small tusks kind of like the Orcs but instead they have fangs I thought that was strange.
Listen everyone, here’s what the end plot of battle for azaroth and who made Sylvanas warcheft should be. The void wants Sylvanas's soul but each time she has die she has been resurrected by her followers. So the void lord knew the only way to possess her soul permanently was to have the mortal races destroy all her resources. So they devised a plan where they'd tell vol'gin in his dying breath that she would need to become warcheft if the horde were to survive the legion. That way, when she started her own agenda she would cause so much havoc the mortal races would have to unite to defeat her and destroy everything she possesses that way when she dies this time, she will be dead for good. If you like my idea please like and share it and help make blizzard aware of it.
Obviously these zandalari took the beefening ritual to its limits. I wonder if that extended to the length or girth factoring.
where is the explanation for dire trolls?
All trolls look the same lying dead on the floor
troll masterrace
Can you not call the Troll gods weird please ( 03:57 ) , Im a millennial and i find it a highly offensive hate crime.
such a troll race
That thumbnail was so clickbait it's not even funny.
I really wish there was a canon explanation for the Naga and troll brutes.
i love troll because they have a big …. Strength .. yeah .. Aheum .. ZANDALA FOREVA
Troll Masterrace
amani trolls are the OG trolls ZUL'JIN FOR WARCHIEF!!!! hunters should have been able to use throwing weapons with auto shot. Ive wanted a headhunter or axethrower since vanilla……..
dem trolls be dippin da human hunny pot. orcs too.
Most of the wold was destroyed by hakars destruction
Best talking, sitting, fighting and acting race in the gameplay.
Goblins and Drogbar also look kinda like troll descendants
I'm not a big fan of Trolls (their accents are annoying and the Aztec theme doesn't interest me), but I've always liked the Forest Trolls in the Old Horde.
WOW is a troll world
Forest Trolls! Never forget <3
Stay away from da voodoo
You forgot Goblins, which were likely Trolls that had changed over time due to exposure to Kaja'mite!
Until Cataclysm a small, unchanged tribe of Dark Trolls still existed in Mount Hyjal but Deathwing's forces killed them all.
I guess Azorath will looks like one of ancient native races troll or a night elf 😁😁😁